
100km to Heaven – A Film For Runners

100km Madrid Segovia 2019 starts at minute 53 of the video …
10 years ago I couldn’t run 100 meters – I had problems with my knees and other health complications. 10 years later I entered the 100km Madrid Segovia 2019 Ultra Marathon in Spain. I am an amateur runner and amateur movie maker. This is my movie about running 100km. Chapters include: Why run 100km? My first solo marathon. Madrid Segovia 100km official training runs. Running 100km in a week. My first ultra-marathon. And the Madrid Segovia 100km 2019 itself. The race itself starts in Madrid, passing through Tres Cantos, Colmenar Viejo, Manzanares Real, Mataelpino, Valle de la Barranca, Cercedilla, Puerto de la Fuenfria and to Segovia capital in Castilla y Leon. This is one of the best running races in Spain. This movie is for all of the normal runners out there who like a challenge!! Filmed mostly with a GoPro Hero 7 Black Edition, and some scenes with a DJI Mavic Air done. Shot in 4k.

Link do Vídeo

5 Comentários

  1. wonderful! I'll be trying it for the first time in 2022! Finally did it, your experience is so different to mine. I had complete sunny weather (at times t was even hot), I managed to run most of the race even climbing up to La Fuenfría so arrived in Segovia before dark. Your video was inspiring! Thanks again!

  2. Enhorabuena. fenomenal montaje Duncan. Te tomo un par de minutos de tu estupendo video para mi montaje personal si no te importa Gracias

  3. Enhorabuena Duncan! Los que conseguisteis llegar este año sois héroes!Buen montaje 🙂 yo volveré a quitarme la espinita en 2020,este año me retiré en el 80

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