
15 Minutes of Useless Information about League of Legends Pt.24!

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Useless Information Pt.24!

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Here’s 15 Minutes more minutes of Useless Information about League of Legends (Part 24). Facts, easter eggs, and a lot of unusual clips of league of legends. No information that really matters. After watching this video you will not benefit from the information but you may find it mildy interesting. Anyways here is 15minutes of useless information about league and 15 minutes you won’t be able to get back. 15 Minutes of Useless Information about League of Legends Pt.23!

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#OutsideJoke #Leagueoflegends #UselessInfo

Edited By CaptainBrave!

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27 Comentários

  1. Underrated pick for urf is tank rakan. Slap ms on him and then just ult in and knock up enemies with team.

  2. I got a chat mute one game for saying "mobility is cancer", and I'm still not sure which word was the trigger word, or, more importantly, why one of those words is a trigger word

  3. This has honestly been one of the worst worlds with the bugs. I personally stopped watching after day 3 and have heard nothing good about it so far.

  4. The aram glitch makes me wish theyd give us a super old looking summoners rift/hud/etc. For april fools next year, since we know by now a ton of those old assets still exist

  5. I've been vat banned like 3 games in a row and maybe if my teammates were JUST GOOD AND WOULD LISTEN TO THERE JUNGLER WHEN THEY PING BARON THEY WOULD BE OUT OF BRONZE

  6. 2 things to note:
    Maw not proccing isn’t a glitch. The same thing happens to steraks. The exception is immortal shieldbow that will procc.

    The gnar q isnt a glitch by definition but qn exploit. There is some movement that you can do to make his q curve and its only somewhat consistent

  7. such a shame the all female team did so badly, they picked 5 diamond support players and pitted them against the best players in the world we dont need an all female team it creates such a toxic enviroment, we need to encourage women to play games, and we need to dismantle the sexism preventing women from going pro

  8. is that how the average yi player sees the game? that's why i perma ban that abomination

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