
97% Owned: How is Money Created | Documentary Film

When money drives almost all activity on the planet, it’s essential that we understand it. Yet simple questions often get overlooked, questions like; where does money come from? Who creates it? Who decides how it gets used? And what does this mean for the millions of ordinary people who suffer when the monetary, and financial system, breaks down?

A film by Michael Oswald, Produced by Mike Horwath, featuring Ben Dyson of Positive Money, Josh Ryan-Collins of The New Economics Foundation, Ann Pettifor, the “HBOS Whistleblower” Paul Moore, Simon Dixon of Bank to the Future and Nick Dearden from the Jubliee Debt Campaign.

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43 Comentários

  1. A very interesting film with some great explanations but the one error it makes is to not call out the politicians who are not duped by the bankers. They are fully on board and complicit.

  2. The background music at minute 1:07 is terribly agitating and it is difficult to hear what people are saying. Otherwise, this film is a 10, thank you.

  3. This was made 11 years ago even today the masses still have not learned even after the last 3 years!

  4. Geld wird durch die Zentralbank erschaffen und dann verliehen. Durch den verleih erhält das Geld an Wert weil die Zentralbank die Zinsen erhöht wenn das Geld an wert verliert. Dadurch ist weniger Geld im Umlauf. Problematisch wird es wenn Schulden nicht zurück gezahlt werden können. Dann kommt es zur erhöhten Inflation und Volatilität. Ein größes Problem ist beim Verleisystem(Fiat-Geld-System) das es zur Korruption kommt im vergleich zum Gold Gesichertem Geld (Gold-Standard). Die offizielle Verleihmenge hat natürlich mit aufhebung des Gold-Standards erhöht und der Goldanteil verringert. Vorteile vom Fiatgeld sind erhöhte produktivität durch geringeren Recourcenverbrauch durch Gold- und Rohstoff-schürfung. Letztenendes wäre es besser das Geldmonopol aufzuheben. Das hat füher sinn gemacht damit mann nicht unter den verschiedenen Währungen umrechnen zu müssen. Heute wäre das durch die Digitaöisierung nicht mehr nötig

  5. Lol this is very frightening and it seams like a million years ago that I got paid cash each and every week in a little brown envelope oh the good old days a whole wages in my hands , thank you for this documentary.

  6. Things wont change unless the citizens FORCE it to. Governments and banks pay themselves while everyone else suffers. Why would these "elites" want to change anything?

  7. this banks if you have a lot of money in the banks like millions or billions or trillions,they know who you are ,if you know you owned that money that it some bad people send to kill you,so that money its belongs now to politicians,royal families,militaries,police,doctors,nurses,teachers (etc)

  8. if i was this migrants and slavery and refugees and foreigners and immigration if they going to go to different countries stopped gettings benefits for this countries all over the world because your families they want your souls.

  9. to be honest with you who is dealing with this rules all over the world,they are militaries and police and royal families and actress or actor or singer or builders in the house and builders in the road and CEO and NGO and scientest and adtrounot and teachers and politicians and workers in governments and doctors and nurses not only that they're corruption rings.

  10. this is very bad thing if do you have house in united kingdom or different countries,because they have a lot of tax monthly or yearly the problem is why i need to pay this monthly or yearly, so if you never pay that this politicians they wan't you chuck you out in your owned house that's why so many slavery or migrants or refugees or immigrants or foreigners homeless that's not really good this is very very very bad.

  11. if i was this hard workings peoples all over the world,you must get out your money in the banks,because this banks all over the world is useless much better you keep that money in your house.

  12. the problem to this banks all of their costumer or clients they want their owned money without knowing,this manager in this banks or owner in the banks,this owner or manager in the banks they're are fraud they're Criminal.

  13. One thing they forgot to mention is that europe I lord most good we are largely a service based industry banks and investment most of uk revenue comes from the city as such any such regulation to forbid less regulation to our markets would be met with capital flight and a collapse of our markets . The reason we are able to import is the value of the pound but that’s also the reason we can’t export as whatever limited goods we might produce because of of cost and over heads are rather expensive so hence it’s almost impossible to compete with China for instance where population is much larger and over heads a mere fraction of what they are in the United Kingdom . These are very important issues to consider . Even if we fed the money to the markets we want and devalued the pound to incentivize exports to try and repay our debt it would cut into property market and might encourage price collapse of housing market or capital flight at the very least . So there are no easy solutions to this . Once you direct the money coming out towards key areas like health , schools etc , there’s not that much value that comes out of them in a profit driven economy as long as profit is still the driver in the end you will have to deal with basically the same issues you have been trying to move away from . So let’s say you push the money towards healthcare industry , you not only have to deal with pharmaceutical companies which is the value chain and the no products of that product 2:10:22 value chain / supply which can stretch the globe that’s for one product and another and another etc okay let me spell it out one ingredient for paracetamol csn come from India , another South Africa , another Germany , another Italy another USA , the machinery etc etc its a role host of things that go into the making of each product it’s in exhaustive and that’s why it makes sense ri feed that money to the markets to determine the values at play as and when there is no other real way that it could be done ✅ one slight alteration without this sort of value chain interruption analysis could be costly it’s one that markets do effortlessly as information and speculation starts to help paint a picture . Just be better at predicting the markets and making hood calls that’s it

  14. As an African National, I have always never really understood how this international system of theft has been operating. It did not make sense why African countries have unfunded and rotting systems, vilified on international scale as examples of failed systems because of of so-called corruption, and yet the octopus of imperial threat has been sucking them to the bone. It is a sickening expose f international fraud. That makes african politician look like chicken thieves comparably.

  15. This documentary is so stupid and non serious.

    Seems like someone just watched a lot of Adam Curtis, found someone to do some unsettling music, then awkwardly restated the same thing over and over.

    People just say “people don’t know how the system of money works” and then the attempt to restate the same thing about fractional banking and national banks over and over.

    Repeatedly saying that most people don’t understand how money works doesn’t mean you’ve explained anything well beyond trying to unsettle and create fear.

  16. It’s April 5 2023. Guess where the Brit’s landed with inflation and bank bailouts and that thicc gaslighting . States and every bank in the EU , China and the Swiss are insolvent. Turn on the money printers, nothing changed to the benefit of the public, all to the detriment as the suits get islands and silos to hide from the fallout they’ve created with money printing

  17. I watched the video you posted on Whirled Publishing's channel, The Line and thought it was both intriguing and freaky. Yikes. Experiment for other planets. How do you get out? How do you get in? What kind of ID is needed to allow a person to live in there? What about natural disasters? I don't see your comment on that channel, so I came to yours. I subscribed because you have an interesting channel. Thank you.

  18. Nearly eleven years on from when this documentary was made, and what has really changed? Absolutely nothing whatsoever. And why would it? One of the stats was that less than 1% of the UK population are millionaires, yet 78% of serving ministers are millionaires. How the hell can such rich and privileged individuals ever properly represent the average citizen, and why the hell would they ever do anything that could jeopardize their own wealth? What an absolute joke.

  19. Apparently, back then, they didn't seem to realize that the government, as well as all key (financial) industries, NGO's, international institutions, judiciary, universities and so on, are owned, bribed, blackmailed, racketed, by the same global banking/investment conglomerates, who play the leading role in this otherwise excellent documentary.

  20. Quando eles dizem "democratizar" o sistema financeiro quer dizer que vc não mandará mais no seu dinheiro, isso será decidido em sociedade = socialismo = comunismo. Os 15 minutos finais é muita manipulação. Tenho que bater palma para os globalistas, eles criam o problema, enchem os bolsos, acham outra maneira melhor de encher os bolsos, eles mesmos produzem a crítica ao próprio sistema e apresentam o pior como solução. Não é por acaso que tem tanta fortuna.

  21. Duas horas descrevendo o problema atual para terminar falando em ambientalismo…kkkkk é o próprio sistema que cria o problema e apresenta sua solução, atrelar o sistema financeiro ao carbono, a forma mais covarde de controle que querem implantar.

  22. My greatest concern is that these financial institutions will put humanity, into a central bank digital currency in which they will control our purchasing and will sell us our natural resources, back to us, through climate change Initiatives. Goldman Sachs rules the world!

  23. i'm glad I got into crypto when I did because it’s been a turning point for me financially,been my best decision so far*

  24. It is exactly this locked in, debt driven inflationary boom & bust cycle that Crypto currencies aim to lift us out of. Instead of endlessly printing more they are a finite stock that should appreciate relative to fiat currencies over time. The fact that they have not done this recently and seem to go through their own relatively swift boom and bust cycles is unfortunate!

  25. Now showing on Netflix. Timed nicely for what the evil ones are planning for 2023 and beyond. Sunak will be ensuring the CBDC is ushered in quickly! 😡

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