
Was Riptide Cheating? | BattleBots FOTW: Shatter! vs. Riptide | from WC7

Was Riptide Cheating? | BattleBots FOTW: Shatter! vs. Riptide | from WC7

It’s Robot Fighting Time!

Emotions run hot as Riptide is caught tinkering with their robot after weigh-in. Were they cheating? Watch and find out.

US Fans: Watch the BattleBots World Championship Tournament Thursday nights on Discovery throughout May.

International Fans: Petition your local broadcaster to air the show!



Show Synopsis: With all the thrills and edge-of-your-seat tension of a major sporting tournament, combined with the latest in robot engineering and larger-than-life inventors, BattleBots has viewers of all ages gripped.
In pairs, bot inventors go head-to-head inside the perilous and bullet-proof BattleBot arena, with the aim of destroying or completely disabling their opponent’s machine.
During each episode, we meet the creators behind these awesome machines. From amateurs and super-smart technology students to seasoned professionals who have dedicated their lives to creating the ultimate fighting robot, find out what drives these charismatic inventors, and how they turn their visions into supreme battling robots.

Who will go home with the spectacular BattleBots trophy?


Some videos will be restricted for some locations. However, we’re working on bringing enough BattleBots mayhem to the channel for everyone to enjoy!

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26 Comentários

  1. If………………………there was cheating… and Battlebots do not clean up the match, or matches, I am done watching. cheating is cheating and rules are rules…end of the story

  2. I am not a fan of riptide after captain shredd, but this is silly. The production is making this something it never was

  3. They looked to be working on the robot, and there was a weight difference (does not matter if it was heavier or lighter, something was modified). If the rules say no working on the bot after official weigh-in, then what Riptide did was against the rules…also known as cheating. If I were in charge of the fights, that would be instant forfeiture of the match at the least.

  4. Battlebots you have 32 teams in your tournament. Why do you keep rescheduling the exact same obvious fight in the first round of the tournament?

    First it was Huge vs Whiplash twice
    Now it's Shatter vs Riptide again
    And even Tantrum vs End Game. We did that last year in the golden bolt.

    You've got access to the Battlebots wiki, you've got control of who fights who, you fudge the seeding so you get the fights you want.

    Quit these obvious rematches. Do better.

  5. Watch the slomo at the end of the fight careful, the weapon does not even slows down on a direct hit. Beside the manor of the team, the bot is engineerd very well.

  6. Hammers will always be a worthless weapon. The durability rivaled Duck but, again, with such a puny weapon that has only a slim chance of hitting one tiny vulnerability, Shatter's makers decide to put out a lame offensive bot with some good structure.

  7. I haven't seen enough comments stating this, so I'll add one to the pool: Team Riptide was duct-taping a gag "hammer" to their weapon as a joke for the walk-out (think of the other times a robot has walked out "wearing a hat," etc.) when Team Shatter! spotted them. Apparently, Team Riptide's reputation as the "villains" led Team Shatter! to suspect they were cheating, but they were just adding a decoration. (You can actually see the hammer in the shot at the beginning.)

    BattleBots, of course, leapt at the opportunity to bolster Riptide's "villain" persona so viewers would root against them and, thus, keep watching the season in hopes of seeing them lose, so they omitted that critical detail. And the scale read only slightly differently because, as we all know, scales are not perfectly precise (although frankly, if making weight is an enforceable requirement, those scales should be accurate to at least a tenth of a pound).

  8. Sus af actions imo, the bot came in lighter after weigh in and they was caught messing with it?… They had every right to ask questions.. Would it have changed the outcome probably not.. But they was well within their rights to ask questions

  9. People need to learn what there talking about before complaining online. Most ppl here are saying hes a cheat and this and that but you are infact allowed to remove parts after inspection. You just cant add anything. So if riptide removed somthing so it was 2lbs lighter, well they are allowed to do so. Woulda been a problem if it was the opposite

  10. Too much drama added. Riptide is on a tear and until someone absolutely obliterates them in the battle box they will continue shredding bots and inflating their egos. Drop the controversy stuff and build it better, attack more, send parts flying.

  11. Let's all read "The Rules" together before making unfounded accusations, shall we?
    BattleBots Tournament Rules – 5.6.4 Pre-Match Inspection – – – – Prior to its Match, a Robot will be tested for functionality and also weighed to confirm compliance with the regulations. Once the Pre-Match Inspection of a Robot starts, no changes are allowed to be made the Robot that involve the ADDITION of any parts that affect the weight or functionality of a Robot. REMOVAL of parts MAY BE ALLOWED.

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