
One BIG Mistake Betfair Traders Are Making!

As a Betfair trading tutor I have noticed a common mistake that most Betfair trades make while trading on the Betfair Exchange.

In this video I explain the problem and demonstrate the simple solution to it!

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4 ComentĂĄrios

  1. Agree with the points made here good vid as usual, one thing though Martin this strat does not appear im my profitable members list where is it ?

  2. This is LITERALLY the key to fine-tuning a strategy. Using filters on your spreadsheet is a great way to do this (rather than deleting data): just filter out leagues, odds ranges etc and monitor the effect on your profits
.and keep ALL of your data! This is the kind of info that makes BTC so vital to anybody football trading.

  3. I must say , one of the main things i learned was , learn how to use exel, most common features , as you can create a nice little compact easy to read data sheet or dashboard .

    Also making budget for each league or sports you trade in . X amount for this league . and split it in to A , B ,C teams depending on the leagues or clubs you want to trade /bet. Lets say you have a trading bank of 200 , and you trade top 6 leagues in europe. You split it in to different leagues . sounds strange but you will get a great marker on what league is most profitable as you can split those budgets among the few favorite teams you like to trade , bet . lower half top half etc under over . win loss etc etc .

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