
The First Test For a New Trader

The First Test For a New Trader

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is a Proprietary Trading firm located in NYC that specializes in trading equities. Our training programs were designed to help you develop the trading skills to become a consistently profitable trader. Written, video and classroom lectures are offered through SMB U, our education company. SMB offers training and trading products for new and semi-experienced traders.

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13 Comentários

  1. I am so fascinated with your videos !! It’s a lot of information in this channel, I love to learn from SMB Capital. !

  2. I am surprised that you need to quantify it to the “nearest penny.” Obviously a metaphor. For example, I am an anomaly; I traded 30 years ago with my grandfather’s money, with his 3 children, all three in a nursing home. There was zero margin for error, … moreover, I went through 9/11 … pretty close to a Black Swann … not taught in a classroom. The market was shut down for days. No text book on this, nor the flash crash. Albeit, I learned in hind sight, how to deal with the latter.

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