
Bots Are Taking Over WOTLK Classic – Wrath of the BOTTING King

Bots Are Taking Over WOTLK Classic – Wrath of the BOTTING King

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Today we are once again looking at WOTLK Classic Bots & Botting in WOTLK Classic, and Bots are Taking Over WOTLK Classic. This is starting to remind me more of Wrath of the BOTTING King, as WoW Botting & WoW Classic Botting is an increasing problem that Blizzard seems to ignore completely.
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43 Comentários

  1. would you recommend warmane over the retail wotlk server? Debating whether to subscribe retail to try out wotlk

  2. Blizzard does not care. They have one guy in the basement running old patches for WOW Classic. No extra resources will go into WOW Classic. No old bugs will get fixed. As you said, bots pay subscriptions. They will ban a few just for show but actually, they need those subs and will let most of them simply carry on. World of Warcraft is a cash cow for Blizzard. Enough said.

  3. It's an absolute plague in WOTLK Classic. Almost don't even want to play anymore. You can report them over and over, the same bots will still be in every BG. If you try to whisper a bot, you get an error message saying they "are not currently playing". No shit they aren't playing, even though there is 5-8 on both sides in every BG. Blizzard doesn't care, and we can't even write tickets anymore. You just get directed to a user forum.

  4. I am glad Blizzard is getting money from bots, and isn't doing much about it. Going back to RuneScape 🙂

  5. I don’t think blizz thinking profit when it comes to leaving bots roam free. They just don’t think at all.

    lf they wanted money, they could start by allowing server xfers to the locked realms if you already have a char on it. Many players rerolled to a mega server and got their classic/tbc stuck on a shit realm

  6. The company is close to death, so they decided to die slow. Bots are allowed. This is their full support!

  7. It's much more widespread than botanica and bgs. Leveling in outland is crazy, bots questing everywhere. There seem to be some bottlenecks where they (DKs) gather with the same gear (gehennas). Even 30-58 lvling zones, there are DKs running around gathering (50+ DKs in Hellfire Penisula as of writing this)

  8. I play on a small pve server, i wanted to farm some saronite and titanium in sholazar, literally 40 dks and a handfull of paladins flying around, cant get any ores, then i proceed to go to wg because its a pvp area, maybe bots avoid that place. As i arrive i've seen like 5 of them flying around. Im done with mining. I go to lvl my alt character in sholazar, I see dk-s on the same quest as me as well. This point I've lost my fate in humanity, so i walk up to the dk and i start to observe what the dk is doing. Like in 1 minute i notice that its a fcking bot as well. How can someone code that bot to do a quest i cant even understand. Im done with this game. Lost my faith in blizzard. They could get 1 gm to every server to clean up 90% of the bots real fast. But since bots are subscribers, no chance that will happen soon.

  9. Issue with botting will always exist no matter what its a cat and mouse game blizzard can update anti cheat andbotters will always find away around it now issue is also there are MULTIPLE diffrent bot providers meaning they can target 1 provider and the other ones wont get hit this makes it even more annoying since there are private bots with small userbase meaning hard for blizzard to figure out what they are using

  10. Blizzard doesn't care because is showing to there servers that are active ,plus they get more money.

  11. then why u are still playing. u are just complaining, u'd pay 100$ a month for this shit game bc u are a blizz fanboy

  12. The game is dead, there are in total like 80k players playin classic and that number in going down every day. Without bots, you would have long bg queues, the bright side of situation

  13. Why there is no bot in mmo like "second life"? Because you have no long grinding things to do. In games where people want to skip levelling process or repetitive grindings you ever see bots.
    But the game have not to change, it's the mentality who does.
    The gaming world nowadays have a pro end game philosophy.
    Simply watch mobile advertise, BRCOME A LEGEND IN 3 MINUTES IN" 3 MINUTES LEGENDS" and you see shiny armor and coolness. People now want to be strong and cool with no effort and time invested.
    They play mmo like a single player game to reach a goal that 99% of the time is the point where they quit, because they don't really like the game at the end.
    People who is really passionate about wow like me (play vanilla not wrath) don't are about loot, loot it's like truffle, if you find one it's cool, if not you can pet your truffles dog and go back home with the sun shining and the trees, and the foggy forest XD

  14. Its Simple , They know that there are many paying bots, they ban them in waves so they will get new accounts in waves. they dont ban them to fast because then botting wont be worth anymore. But even with bots people play and pay to blizzard, the only language blizzard speaks is speaking with your wallet. Cancel your sub massivly and blizz will ban botting.

  15. Its Simple , They know that there are many paying bots, they ban them in waves so they will get new accounts in waves. they dont ban them to fast because then botting wont be worth anymore. But even with bots people play and pay to blizzard, the only language blizzard speaks is speaking with your wallet. Cancel your sub massivly and blizz will ban botting.

  16. It's actually quite easy to fix , they just need to do ban waves every week so it wont be profitable for a lowlife to buy bots and farm , if they do ban waves every month or so then they can easily make enough gold and money for another account and the cycle of boting continues , but as u said they won't really do anything about it because it's profitable for blizzard , bots are paying subscribers too .

  17. Played a late night EotS when it was that weekend. About midnight or 1am ST.

    I was the only real player on my team

  18. I played Classic and the start of Classic TBC but then I simple quit the game because of the amount of bots. I don't want to give Blizzard my money until they fix the bots (which they propably won't ever).

  19. Blizz is pretty aware of the bots imo. They just need bots due to lack of active players. They dont want their product to be seen like a zombie investment/game that noone is playing.. sad to see a top game in this situation though.

  20. I’ve been playing battlegrounds on call to arms weekend in the 50-60 and 60-70 level ranges and usually half the players are bots….Play on Arugal server/Alliance.

  21. Tbh, given the state of random BGs I'm not sure if I prefer the regular human in my BG instead of a bot. At least the bot will follow me and execute a rotation, lol.

  22. I propose they select level minded community individuals to police their servers, just like twitch streamers do. Give them powers, make sure it’s people that won’t abuse it. The beauty is you wouldn’t even have to pay them. People literally do this kind of stuff for free because they are that passionate about the game.

  23. Firemaw Alliance 50 dk in botanica. Every third nickname is just a bunch of letters, like tgtththhksfv.

  24. i heared something happened to layering lately… maybe do a video about that? like world wont refresh by changing layer… only some places change

  25. I still remember reporting gathering bots that would be underground moving faster than flying. Blizzard never did anything.

  26. Trueee!!! Wrath is really rotting with these bots… I really appreciate your effort to raise awareness in this regard Solheim

  27. used to play on warmane wotlk private server, there is a realm that you CAN'T buy in game items but mounts, lordaeron. you must earn your items you must play. after wotlk classic release i thought that blizzard will be better , but nah man no. just get a 70 boost, buy gold and pay for your dungeon boost and then go to 1-2 gdkps, you will be fully geared, pay to win. pay to win . there is no fun in blizzard pvping, there is no fun in raiding. private server better than blizzard

  28. Its not the game we all wanted to relive, its a cashgrab. Why needing any employees on this game if you already have the game finished, just let it go live by itself and only take action with around half a year delay by injecting some paid service to players if they want to take care of this game on their own. Just imagine this, if players want the game fixed, and e.g. ban bots, just give them paid service like 30$ per banning a bot. You want to complete a raid but boss bugged – 30$ service and you can try and fix this bug yourself 🙂

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