
Valheim – How To Find + Use The Trader! HALDOR!

Valheim – How To Find + Use The Trader! HALDOR!

🏹 Valheim – Full Trader Guide (Merchant, Vendor, Haldor) 🏹

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#Valheim #Trader #Haldor

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38 Comentários

  1. Found mine on day 115. It was in a pretty cool round shaped island that has a 4-way riverfork in the middle and the "pieces of the island pie" are different biomes. Built a huge longbridgeboathouse in the middle

  2. I've been looking for the vendor in my world for 1 week. A friend and I have enough gold to buy everything and enough vendor stuff to buy it again. Cannot find him. Lmfao

  3. Wild. Ive completely explored all the meadows and black forest on my map and am currently clearing out swamps. I check every inch of land I go by and mark everything. And yet, no vendor. Im about 300 hours in and around day 660 and I'd say I have a solid 10% or more of the map fully unlocked and discovered (the ocd is strong in me). Going to take out the swamo boss in prolly a couple weeks…hopefully I discover the vendor on the way over since hes a bit farther out then what ive discovered on the map. This game is wild. Thx for the videos. Youve helped me out a fair bit. I thought the fishing rod dropped off a guy in the swamp so ive been on double duty…instead its just some chill dude in the black forest. lol

  4. My friend and I found this guy accidentally today while on our way to the second boss. It's hilarious too because looking at our map you'd swear we were hacking, basically made a straight line right to him.

    Right next to him was a meadow where we then made our main base, which hilariously also had plenty of flint spawn, with fish and a great dock location, along with our black forest biome and plenty of spawners/dungeons near by.

    I just started the game in this playthrough, but he was so mad as his last playthrough he said his friends got all the way to the last boss and still never found the trader.

  5. Just in case anyone comes onto this late, it's worth noting that the world spawns almost a dozen traders throughout the map, and the first one you find will be your trader location for the rest of the game.

    Also, I've tried inputting almost 100 seeds into the Valheim World Generator, and there is always a trader within an acceptable distance of your spawn. The radius of the world map seems to have a denomination of 10,000. And I have never failed to find one within a radius of 3,000 from the centre of the map, ergo, spawnpoint.

    The big issue is that there only ever seems to be a guarantee of 1, but there can be as many as 3-4 nearby, which is why some struggle more than others. And if they're on the outer edge of such a diameter, while not being close to a shoreline, it can be rather tedious

  6. I bought the fishing rod and about 700 bait… took about 5 minutes for me to learn how to fish and since you can get a x4 fish sometimes with one cast it makes up for any that get away. so each bait in my hands is = to 1 fish or so.
    fish is an excellant early game food for troll / crypt fights with 45hp boost.

  7. I bought all his stuff and still have cash left over. I wish he had more items to sell.
    Why doesn't the developer do some incremental add ons of items for the game? Shame 🤷🏻‍♂️

  8. Eh….. To cheat or not to cheat…. It pains me to cheat because I like the discovery factor but… If I gotta sail across the sea for him… I'm not quite ready for that haha.

    I kinda want that belt to increase what I can carry but very expensive, 2nd choice is the fishing rod & I may just go for it if I ever run out of my meat surplus.
    I go around on big hunting trips and have a large stockpile of cooked meat, but if fishing is easy… Not a bad alternative!

  9. I know this is months old but im new to Valheim
    The Meginjord (pronounced Meg-In-Yord) – Megin (with a hard G) is a norse word that sort of means spirit, Soul or Strength (like Strength of spirit) it could even mean Power, in the same sense it means Strength
    Now, Jord (pronounced Yord – like "Your" with a D on the end)) means earth stone, rock ground or soil (Jord with a captial J is a Goddess, and Thor's mother)
    So it could be translated as Spirit of Earth, Strength of Stone, Power of Earth, Rock Strength etc, or even Spirit of Thor's Mum (its not that, im just joking, a ghostlike spirit is a different word to Megin)

    I mention this because @Kysen mangled the word, and admitted doing so, so im hoping he will read this, and if he doesnt maybe others will learn at least
    If you are reading this @Kysen you also mangle Hugin, its a hard G (hoo-gin), and the other raven is Munin (moo-nin)

    And they told me learning Old Norse and Old English was a waste of my time, hah!

  10. Wow I guess I got really lucky with my random seed! I found Haldor my first day of playing. He's about a five (ish) minute walk from spawn.

  11. I think by the time i find this guy I’ll have so much gold I’ll be like “yeah give me one of everything”.

  12. I found him on the debugmode after finishing 5th boss. Honestly if I didn’t use debugmode I would never find him. He was way of where I would go with my character.

  13. My brother's trader was close to the Ashlands but mine was a couple days walk away from the sacrificial stones. Thank Odin for allowing gold to be transported through portals!

  14. Day 185 for me! Went North to the pole, then West to side, most of the way South.

    Finally headed East and he was on the first land mass, but ENTIRELY landlocked by Swamp, Mountains, Meadows and Plains!

    I just happened to explore the Meadow and moved into the Forest, when it appeared on my map soon after.

    I would never have seen it from sailing as some guides suggest.

  15. I found the trader while sailing around the starter island. Base setup I set the portal right in front of the vendor and did a wall round the area to the safety dome so no door needed.

  16. the headlamp and the weight belt thing are the most useful. Fishing rod means you have to keep buying bait, which is fine, except fishing takes F O R E V E R to do

  17. There is absolutely no debate around it. Increasing your weight capacity to 450 and not even taking an armor slot makes the meng belt whatever, by far, the best first item to buy.

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