
How much capital you need to be a full time trader

How much capital you need to be a full time trader

Like any business , you need capital to be a full time trader. Well capitalized traders can make a living from trading

Trade Ideas
Stockbee members site

Affiliates: Amazon , Worden, Trade Ideas

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13 Comentários

  1. Thank you for being transparent. Along the line of this video, a discussion of realistic CAGRs would be great. CAGR for full time intraday trader, CAGR for part time swing trader etc. Again thank you so much. You are a gem.

  2. Also I recently purchased TC2000 – How did you learn to use it so well? Do they have some webinar or all this is self taught?

  3. Thanks for bringing back reality to counter the flashy dreams of sport cars and trading next to the pool in luxurious beach homes propagated by get rich merchants filling their own pockets

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