
Betfair trading | What's the secret to winning large amounts?

Betfair trading | What's the secret to winning large amounts?

In October I managed to earn just short of £30,000 through Betfair trading.

That sounds massive, but there are many factors behind that number. Also, contrary to what you might think or be told, it was achieved using Betfair trading strategies and methods that are well within the reach of everybody.

Some of these approaches are just plain common sense, but all require a bit of practice and to achieve larger numbers, a lot of markets.

When you start you may only be able to trade one strategy effectively but over time you will better develop more strategies that suit your risk profile and ability.

After 20 years I’ve been able to build up a significant range of strategies and I am well practised. But my overall result is made up of a lot of positives and negatives but played out over thousands of markets. While there are some highs and lows, the average result is relatively small.

In total, I did losing trades of around £10,000 and winning trades of around £40,000 netting the difference between the two.

I’m now in a quieter period so I’m unlikely to hit those numbers the following month. But the way I trade will be very similar, there will just be fewer markets to do it on.

Here are videos I mention or that I think you should watch with this video: –

The ‘Expectancy’ video: –

Make market button: –

How I minimise my losses: –

How to be a millionaire trader: –

Developing new strategies: –

Helicopter trade: –

Getting an execution edge: –

#betfairtrading #betting #sports

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25 Comentários

  1. I just wanted to thank you for your great insights. Had a lot of math during the college, but just like You, never needed it.
    It's easy to learn when you are actually interested in something.

    Now I see how great is Poisson, Pascal triangle, everything You mentioned in your videos (still learning, watching your videos on repeat).

    Big eye opener for me was: "If you can predict how many goals on average home and away team will score , then all markets are derivatives of that"

    Thank you very much, and please keep uploading amazing stuff 🙂

  2. It will be interesting if you make a video, where you explain if you trade against the trend or don’t trade against the trend , what do you think about support and resistance, indicators and trend lines.

  3. Don't forget folks as soon as your strategy works the bookies will restrict you to 20pence a bet and make sure you never get what you have lost before you found your successful strategy.
    The Gambling commission will ALWAYS look the other way when the bookmakers abuse their customers.

  4. The exchange is finished now.The Bookies and exchanges (same thing)operate a lose lose business were only losers are welcome.It's just about all over Peter for the punters.

  5. Hey Peter hope you're well.
    Noticed some links in vid description were incorrect

    Here's what I reckon you were after:
    The 'Expectancy' video: –

    Make market button: –

    How I minimise my losses: –

    How to be a millionaire trader: –

    Developing new strategies: –

    Helicopter trade: –

    Getting an execution edge: –

  6. Should you continue to do something that frustrates you or should you just say “ I’m not cut out for this “ ??

  7. 8:23 – I reckon thats the major problem that most of us 'newbies' come up against! We see your nice, large profit figures and think; "Surely, I can do that?!" but we forget that not only do you have years of experience behind you (along with an obvious inquisitive mindset!) but that you also trade THOUSANDS of markets to achieve such figures! Thousands of markets take up both a lot of time AND need a certain amount of knowledge with regard to the individual sports etc involved. As I see it, sadly, there is NO substitute for experience…

  8. I am sorry but this video could be so much more presentable and enjoyable, it is a rambling dialogue which teaches me nothing.
    Sorry Mr Betangel. You have done wonders in your trading career, and I offer you so much respect for that.
    My trading is 99% accurate and I am always in profit, but I am still trying to find an easier way of placing my football trades without having to put in the study and analysis !!!!. .Alas I think this is a fallacy.
    I must rely upon my own judgment, and hope the stats that I produce are reliable enough for me to put my hard earned cash into the market and live and die by my own independence.

  9. Pro traders amaze me,they tell you to cut your losses as soon as the trade starts going against you, so to minimise the loss, and let them run when they go for you.
    You then watch one of their winning trades ( as they rarely show you losing ones) where it starts going 6 or 7 or more ticks against them and they leave it!!!!
    If you ask them why they left it,they say they knew it would turn 🙈. Why not show videos telling us how they knew that 👍😄

  10. If you stopped using all the trading strategies that you have used over the years and, from now on, only were to use strategies based on TPD, do you think you would be happy with the results financially?

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