
Blizzard Bans 120,000 BOTS! … But Has It Made A Difference?

This may just be the single largest banwave Blizzard has ever announced. 120,000 Bots have been removed from Classic WoW over the past few weeks.
So the question remains … has it actually made a notable difference? Today we take another look into the world of botting.

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22 Comentários

  1. They always ban a "large number" of bots and then announce it to everybody. The level 58 restriction for making a DK should have been in effect from the start. I remember there was a big big want for the restriction to not be in place at launch and Blizzard greedily rubbing their hands together obliged. $1,800,000 from those 120,000 bots, per month they were allowed to run rampant. $15 per bot per month speaking the only language Blizzard understands, money. Their "single largest banwave" is a droplet in the ocean. Extreme measures need to be taken and they cant afford to take them. Such as hiring back a dedicated and LARGE GM staff to monitor in game activities across ALL iterations of their game. You cant sit there and rely on /who, yeah it works with most of them, but some will simply use Blizzards own Name Generator. They can't IP ban a whole region, you have legit customers mixed in with these degenerate botters. Hell they can't even legitimately sell the gold themselves for the low to simultaneously dominate and kill the gold selling industry. Every servers Auction House will get 100x worse and they wont be able to profit from the sales because CC transaction fees will be legit more than what they're able to sell it for in order to stop others from selling it as well. I don't know what can be done to stop it, but I know that we as a community are fed up with the problem and need to start taking action. Keep reporting, scrutinize all AH purchases, kick bots from your dungeon group, let the community know of suspect bots in chat. We gotta start making it harder on them to conduct their business otherwise they're just gonna keep shitting up the game.

  2. How about this?:

    – There's no gold or currency of any kind.
    – Items, weapons, armour etc are free
    – Free items, weapons, armour etc. are "paid" for based on your level, ie; lvl 1's can get X weapons, items and armour etc up to a certain level of stats, lvl 2's can get everything a lvl 1 can get but a little bit better and a few new items, armour, weapons etc. and lvl 3 can do the same etc etc etc
    – No weapons, armour, items etc can be transferred between players ie; you just go down to a place where you can see what's available for your class and your "currency" is your current level.
    – If you get an item you don't want from a boss or other NPC's, then you can simply just go down to a "shop" and drop it off there or even to make things simple: allow players to select an item they don't want and give them an option to simply just delete it from their inventory.

    So in effect your currency isn't something you're able to trade for real money anymore, but instead you can simply get whatever you want based on what your level will open up, with certain items, armour, weapons etc still being unique to certain classes.

  3. All of the wow community is toxic retail and classic. You can't do anything to make these people happy ban bots ugh they cry don't ban bit ugh they cry. No changes cry changes cry cry cry cry it's all the wow community does.

  4. Ban GDKP and you probably will kill a massive chunk of gold buyers and therefore gold sellers. Seriously, 1mil gold pots in Ulduar cannot be legit.

  5. I can still make a DK in a fresh account!! It's been a week since they put in restrictions.
    Its ridiculous they removed the DK restrictions it just attracted the worst kind of players.
    I can't stand these guys who don't even want to level – these are players that killed WoW

  6. don't they just buy the character boost with the sub now? More up front investment which is great for blizz's wallet.

  7. if blizzard had brains -they quold give lv 55 deathknight if a subscriber had his wow account for ayear with 20 charaters aroudn 10-40 but never got higher .. but i guess "its not " fair" the perverse kind of fair

  8. Death Knight quests can be done at 50-51 since the mobs are just bad.. with blizzard blessing I guess so the nerf could be 5 more levels to level from 50 and same quest line.. but is the corporate bad blizzzard so that wont happen -boring blizzard

  9. The will never give up. It’s even easier to create „bot-farm“ for wow than for games like ffxiv where there is limited instances to the game.exe. Being opened forcing you to make your PC a VM.. for wow you can play so many clients just running on multiple cores.. I‘ve seen videos of how bots and botters work and them removing the restriction on DK I knew they were going to be a plague. But truly fighting them requires quite a lot of resources and thus money.. because they come up with new Methods again and again.. and it’s all difficult even from a moral point of view.. how you restrict the client and „spy“ on the player. Ffxiv has a way higher rate on banning % of bots and especially banning them much faster because they have people actively search for them and investigate reports fast.. but because they do not spy on players and do not disconnect you if the player position on the map is different than on the server (which was implemented in wow around the release of warsong to prevent cheating in pvp) the bots can stay out of sight of players to report them.. bots in ffxiv can literally port through the ground from quest to quest but the game economy is even designed in a way against bots.. which I think is the best way to battle them.

  10. I am sorry. I call BS on the whole “why level something when you want something else”. Well, effectively, you ARE levelling your DK. It all ties into the starting zone of the DK. At level 55, you died to be resurrected by the Lich King.
    Moreover, I also firmly believe (and yes, it is only a belief) that this executive decision was put in place to pad the numbers of players. For all the various reasons.
    As some people have already written here, the most horrifying part is that with these numbers, it would seem a large part (up to 50%) of all accs were bots.

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