
China and Brazil work to expand trade

China has lifted a temporary ban on imports of Brazilian beef, imposed in February, after an isolated case of mad cow disease was identified. It was a welcome development for Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva ahead of a future trip to China – expected to focus heavily on trade and investment with the Asian economic giant. China is already Brazil’s main buyer of agricultural products, but Brazil would still like to expand its export products. CGTN’s Paulo Cabral has more from the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Norte. #cgtnamerica

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4 Comentários

  1. Brazil go big with China market share, China is reducing Aussie and some else neighbor goods imports, despite distance between oceans, this should be good for them diplomatically, and most importantly economically.

  2. Brazil should keep watch of gun totting amerigoons! They will do a regime change on your country if you are not vigilant.

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