
Covid-19 Cases in U.S. Rise to More Than 2.5 Million

Jun.28 — Coronavirus cases in the U.S. increased by 42,735 from the same time Saturday to 2.53 million, according to data collected by Johns Hopkins University and Bloomberg News. The figures come as worldwide deaths from the virus surpassed 500,000 on the same day confirmed cases exceeded 10 million. Steve Geimann reports on “Bloomberg Daybreak: Australia.”

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49 Comentários

  1. So y’all say the virus is climbing!!!But the mask mandates are stopping.And we have vaccines rolling around.🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️I swear when Mars gets up and going soon we need to send y’all up there with your precious fuuci!!Thanks news folks for telling me how to live my life with your stupid facts

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  3. Look coivd if probably a more sevre strain of the flu that mutates but in the end the lovkenfoen will kill a lot of people from suscsse the homeless people insmtes and disaded the nedsida is using this for electiob the aged care deaths having been happening log before coivd


    Dear Robert; Dear Jeff:

    COVID19, does it not strike you funny that no country leadership (Prime
    Minister / President) has called for 3rd party accountability for this
    space-age nonsense, considering they were elected to stand with and
    support their people; people losing jobs; houses; lives; businesses?

    Does it not strike you funny that 99.9% of everyone you talk to, knows no one, not one person who has died of COVID?

    it not strike you funny that W. H. O. (World Health Organization) alone
    can contact any hospital, health organization, doctor, or whom they
    choose, and demand as they choose, and parties must oblige, and take
    their declarations or orders and put them into effect immediately
    without question?

    What about the multiple billions of dollars
    being generated on gloves, masks, and hand sanitizers alone; and that's
    before even getting to the costs of COVID testing … accelerated
    health-field costs … or vaccination creation … and primary objective
    for mandatory vaccinations across the board?

    Have you ever
    looked into the safety of hand sanitizers, or pondered the fact that
    Canadian and American hospitals have long walked away from one of the
    first and basic laws of the health field, 'Universal Precautions' where
    gloves are a first priority in said field '' and has not been in affect
    by doctors or nurses on staff, 95% of the time (using hand sanitizers)
    for the past 15+ years; not once over this period of time, with both
    parents, inlaws, and my former job lost with Community Living Kingston,
    in and out of the hospitals, did I see evidence to speak otherwise?

    am unable to wear a mask (Have doctor note), losing my job after 20
    years, and must openly confess, nor would I wear one. Is there a bug,
    certainly, I'm not doubting that; but do I believe COVID, as with all
    virus scare tactics since WW2, have been and will remain deliberately
    misdiagnosed to maintain its global stronghold … until someone with a
    platform has the courage to step up and call for third-party
    pathologist accountability, absolutely!

    Robert/Jeff, I live, and
    always have lived, and prior to becoming a Christian, for the people,
    void of the slightest hint of contrary thinking, but a most evil and
    selfishly driven entity now has us right where they want us
    (PHARMACEUTICAL Health Field Conglomerates – CMA / AMA / FDA); mandatory
    vaccinations is just the beginning of gross unimaginable 6-7 figure
    billions in profits on vaccines alone, while they prioritize the
    TREATMENT OF DISEASE, when there are literally thousands of far superior
    100% natural products capable of PREVENTING DISEASE '' with which every
    product because of BIG PHARM POWER and MONEY, must display 'NOT
    APPROVED BY THE FDA' that automatically discredits the very 100% NATURAL
    ELEMENT that can save lives through prevention.

    My friend, I can
    support the natural product argument, with information that never has,
    nor ever will reach the majority public ears; check out one of the
    longest studies in history that never saw the light of day 'The China
    Study,' or OGF (Original Glutathione Formula), given a Composition
    Patent (normally reserved for BIG PHARM drugs) and yet 100% natural
    miracle in its own right that triggers our body into regenerating the
    production of glutathione in every cell in our body that normally
    exhausts itself, never to return, thus why we age and die; I met OGF
    creator, Dr. Robert Keller in person, sitting in on three lectures.

    friend, we need answers from leaders with the courage to step out from
    the ignorance of traditional, political roles, willing to ask the right
    questions for all the right reasons without fear of following the crowd,
    while embracing the kickback of millions, if not billions of people,
    who will quickly rally to the side of any such a leader with courage to
    make a difference.

    FOR THE RECORD '' '' the thousands of lives
    lost in Uganda, credited to COVID19, '' '' it is true '' '' people are
    dying '' '' but in reality, accountable leadership on site, whom I know
    through my global ministry by the grace of God, calls this DEATH BY

    PS: As a final side note, did you know,
    Robert/Jeff that in just 1996 the average attention span was 12 minutes
    '' '' and in 2019 it's only 8 seconds 🤔🤔🤔

  5. It's the first time that a health issue turned out in a war force coming from Brutal Political Law Imposition! It is not a healthy choice! It is a Brutal Political Law DIctature! There is no real health worries, there is political brutality! Take a carefull look in infection FOCUS, take you're conclusions! Imigrants, etnic minorities, poor countries, mixed up countries ( USA and BRAZIL). THIS IS NOT A HEALTH ISSUE, IS A MONEY BANK ISSUE, OPERATED BY THE CRIMINAL WHITE GLOVE OF LAW ( the governmemts elected by the people and financed by BANKS). Don't talk about COVID 19 ( like i am doing here for the last time), avoid the direct subject, claim your citizen rights and ignore this false health issue

  6. I work in the restaurant industry and was told to go back to work, with customers unmasked. Scared of bringing the virus home to my family. We on the front lines in the restaurant industry are the most worried. Does our safety mean little to our Government and to those allowed to come in unmasked for obvious reasons. Shouldn't our Government put us on the front lines with unmasked customers in another category? Mandatory n95 masks or better as in the health industry? Why isn't the media talking about this. We matter less than health care workers and?

  7. Everyone here worked very hard to follow guidelines. In the north this winter very few people had flu or even a cough. Scientifically, there are covid graphs for every country that are very similar except for over here in america. Now its the same virus shouldnt it follow same path minus few anomolies

  8. Remember when blm and protestors were warned not to gather in crowds? Remember when Everyone was called racist for pointing it out?

    Well, guess who shouldnt get a ventalator now…

  9. STOP THE PANIC!!! It is absurd, you are bombared by drama and fakenews. Get real information from independant scientific source and vote this idiots that lock you down and destroy your life out of office:
    You are massivly mislead, they are always taking about "cases" or "infected", this is a big LIE!
    These people are a result of excessive PCR testing, at least 90% of them people will never ever get any symptoms, less than one percent will get really sick. Even worse, the PCR Test has a huge false positive rate and is extremely unreliable in situations where there are only few cases, as it is the case in most of the world, mainstream media spreads lies and manipulation, this is big money and big hype, stop following those idiots.
    Preserve sanity, preserve democracy, preserve humanity, do not let you be driven into Corona Dystopia with total control, powergrabbing government, and idiots that attack people who want to live their life in peace.
    This is the time to stand up for libery, or it will be gone for decades!

  10. I do think the covid 19 is originated from western countries. It could be explained why Asian countries have a very low infected rate.

  11. Oh my God ….you people cannot be this effing stupid. Of course they’re going to be up when you’re testing 1000 fold more than at the beginning.

  12. Canuck here, the "health care professionals", the doctors, Rn's, nurses, etc who've allowed this contagion to spread by saying it's okay to march and show you're support for BLM should all be hanged in my opinion. Guarantee that these protesters, while parading their their contentions on the front lines, were also on the front lines of exposing themselves to the virus and in turn spreading it callously. At this point all I can do is shake my head…my heart goes out to you my American brothers and sisters.

  13. Yes, and also to blame is the hideous monster Miguel Llano who took the initiative to put the idea in people’s minds (someone in a lab in China) to spread a disease that would infect millions, even spreading from a host that shows no symptoms. He is a cruel and sick monster and he will be brought to justice in due time.

  14. The death rate is not increasing; so who cares!

    It’s a good thing!:

    …More people infected and less people dying Means the population is developing natural immunity!

    (Different) Coronavirus will always be with us;

    …developing natural immunity and co-living with virus is the correct way!..

    …not by developing vaccines; that will be obsolete the next season!

    The ones dying are the very old/sick!
    Move on!!

  15. Yeah I really wonder why it keeps spreading.. Stay home and learn how to play guitar. Or bass. Triangle is nice too. To some.

  16. where is the people went to rally? is in the hospital with covid19? is still black lives matter or our lives matter now?

  17. I wish the damn media would also mention that the number of deaths from Covid has been continually dropping. Look for yourself on the CDC website. It is obviously an increase in testing that is causing this. This is a plandemic to ruin our economy so that we can get people to elect a president that supports limited freedom and Democratic Communism and Socialism. Masks won't do anything but slow it down (at best) and at worst it's going to keep people like my parents locked into their nursing homes for 4 years instead of a year. We should just protect those at a high risk and keep our economy going. Otherwise, look out! We will have more deaths from other things like Suicide, Drug Abuse, and Social Unrest.

  18. Really it’s only around 200,000 cases because the CDC is counting 16 probable cases per 1 confirmed case, thus inflating the numbers.

  19. Ok. But most individuals just have to worry about the infection numbers in their own county. Most people go to work or find essentials within their county. Not the entire state let alone the entire country. The county numbers tell you how that 2.5 million is distributed within smaller areas.

  20. It's getting so worse because people are traveling in planes then when the plane takes off they take their mask off and that's how covid spreads!

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