
High-Stakes Poker Analysis – Tom Dwan and Jean-Robert Bellande on HSP

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Today’s video: Poker analysis from Guerrilla Poker – high stakes poker coach Uri Peleg sets Tom Dwan straight by analyzing a blunder in Season 8 of HSP.

Tom Dwan was the hero of HSP for a lot of us growing up; some of the most exciting pots from past seasons have featured Dwan at the helm, showing us what true guts are all about.

But in today’s video, Uri takes a sharp look at Dwan’s play in a hand where he makes what seems to many like a standard play, but which is in actuality a big blunder on his part. The key is the extra information available in multi-way pots – here Uri shows us why it’s important to consider all of the pieces of the puzzle before throwing good money after bad.

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4 Comentários

  1. Dwan played this hand poorly, even the 800k pot he won with QQ was questionnable…Having say that, he plays vs JRB, so I guess that could be an excuse…lol

  2. Even when dwan was on the top of his game he made some weird plays (like calling a river with 9 high), so I dont think there is a connection to the fact he doesnt play NLH lately. anyway, nice video, I liked your analysis.

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