
How to make a bot with AutoIt for RuneScape Full Walkthrough

AutoIt Download:
This Script:
My Site:

I got ALOT of questions about my previous video on making a Rune Scape bot. I decided that I would need to walk through the steps one by one and show the process of 1) figuring out the process, 2) working out the code step by step, 3) fixing bugs, and fine tuning your program. I hope this helps out, and feel free to ask me questions. Thanks for watching!

Music Provided by:
YouTube Audio Library
Funk Down (String) – MK2 – Hip Hop & Rap
Enuff Para Mi – Jingle Punks – Pop

Link do Vídeo

43 Comentários

  1. Hey Heath, love your videos. Learning how to code thanks to these. I had a questions, how can i run 2 or 3 instances at the same time and run AutoIt on each client? Can i also run a different script for each client/instance?

  2. Before I watch this 1 hour video, does it cover finding random spawns in game things such as ores, wood and herbs for auto farming? Or is that not possible with auto it? I'm planning on making a farming bot for another game for the first time. Also what if the game blocks autoit? Do you have a video that shows how to bypass? Thanks!

  3. Every time I press the compass, it's slightly off by a pixel or two. I pressed the compass multiple times in a row and noticed that it ever so slightly changes each click. Is this something Runescape has added to get around bots resetting their view?

  4. HotKeySet("{F1}", "myExit")

    $x = WinActivate("RuneScape")




    Func myExit()

    msgbox(0,"Exiting", "Bot is Quitting")



    Anyone know why when i press F1 the program doesnt start running?

  5. The link to the Script just goes to his website, and i can't find it there, I'm having issue with getting it to start fishing, when i try to put the code


    $pixels = PixelSearch(823,266,871,510,0x51412F,1)

    if NOT(0error)Then




    $pixels = PixelSearch(1155,758,1157,760,0x7B818C,1)

    if NOT(0error)Then

    MsgBox(0,"","we are full")

    $fishing_full = True




    it give me an Errors at the ___if NOT(0,error)Then

  6. Hi is there anyway to run autoit on runescape without the script taking control of the actual mouse? So that when the script is running on runescape i can do other stuff on my computer. Thanks!

  7. so ive implemented this script and made my own for draynor fishing on osrs. but i dont get the dialogue box when finishing the inventory, nothing says (full of fish) or anything like that. any tips?

  8. If I'm mining, how do I make the script check if my inventory is almost full so it puts the ores into my mining box without interrupting the banking process?

    Nvm, nailed it.

  9. Awesome video but the pixelsearch isn't working I think they made it so the colours change slightly or something I dunno but it doesn't seem to be able to find the colour…. plz help


    Ok so I've had a look and the pixel colours constantly change which is why this doesn't seem to work anymore, this is very annoying probably going to have to look into lowering the graphics for more consistant colours if not try OSRS….

    Edit 2:
    changing to settings to lower graphics doesn't seem to help

  10. I know this will get you banned but I enjoy the process of automating things with autoit and Runescape is a perfect candidate so I'm probably going to make a new account on a new ip to script with.

  11. How to make a random click command. Lets say i make a selection and have coordinates from corner to corner of some cube, and then i want to make a random click inside that cube so the click is not allways x y same.

  12. hey guys i know i am a little late but i created my script with auto it and now i need to run it on multiple accounts (different windows) at the same time how can i do that ? and if that's impossible how can i make my script switch between the different windows then do the tasks of the script in a sequence manner?

  13. Hey Heath,

    At 7:30 I Don't know what Button you pressed to starts the command. (I clicked F1, Fn+F1, and X) – Everything was the same so I'm really confused since you didn't mention what you pressed.

    Also above it, is it like this? $x = WinActiviate("Runescape")

    Hope you respond, thank you

  14. i know in a reset method if he gets lost from another player i'm interesting in chatting with people about new methods

  15. I wanna do it for fletching but I don't know how, like you use bank presets with logs, making arrow shafts… This is a really good guide though for fishing! 😀

  16. i play osrs, i have an issue, the screen tilts to left and right randomly, so if i set it to clickmouse one place, 10mnts later does not click where i set it since client changed the screen a bit. is there a way to go thru this?

  17. Thanks for the very detailed video. Just out of curiosity sake though, if there is no hotkey/clickable to reset view what's a work-around for this scenario?
    Like just a prime example would be RSC as to my knowledge this version never had a view reset.

  18. 39:26 when you know your sneeze sounds weird so you do everything possible to cut it out 😛

    funny moment but still a great video, keep it up I like this kind of content 🙂

  19. sir can you do some bot for game which dont have an info about the mob. like searching only the name of the mob instead of it possible to do that or it dont have a command for that? i was making bot for khan online..thank you and GOD bless ^_^
    i want to ask also if this can be done even the game has gameguard? thank you

  20. Sir i would like to ask if it can also be done attacking by using mob's name and not the pixelsearch?? Coz my game dont have the info of the mobs and just only the i wonder if it can be done finding the name of the mobs and attack it..ty god bless..your the best programmer i ever seen

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