
Long and Strong | Weighed-In | Episode 159

Congratulations to Kat from Amy Murphy Racing, nominating Will Cunnington as the winner of our comp for Racing Staff week in association with Racing Welfare!

Vanessa Ryle is again in the hosting chair as Tony Calvin, Kevin Blake and Brendan Duke are here to dissect a tricky weekend of racing at the Curragh and beyond including a slightly controversial Irish Derby.

We also look at the brewing storm at the IHRB, Curragh Attendances, Asadna controversy and Shane Crosse calling it a day in a jam packed episode.

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10 Comentários

  1. Well done Vanessa for raising the matter of Heffernan's ride on Adelaide River in the derby. Heffernan quite obviously allows Ryan Moore on August Rodin to pass him before then trying to look busy on his mount. AR is being lined up as the next Galileo at Coolmore – they needed him to win & it's clear that team orders were in play, similiar to F1. Their 4 other horses in the race (4!! 6 if you incl Proud & Regal & Up & Under, 7 of 9 runners🙈) were not going to be allowed to beat AR on the day. When results of a race are known in advance – that amounts to RACE FIXING. Win bets on the other 6 O'Brien clan runners were basically dead in the water before the race even started – this is very serious & has huge implications for the integrity of racing. Fraud in most peoples language – tricky wind conditions according to Kevin Blake. I used to respect your opinion Kevin, but not after this – hiding behind "the wind" rather than call out blatant team orders & race fixing. Shame on you. Fair play to Brendan & TC for having a pair.

  2. I agree with Dukey, TC about heffernan ride. Obviously Kev can't really say too much. waiting for Moore etc, let him go by, take his ground, lean in etc.. jockeys talk. Have a look at deep conversations after line while pulling up between Ryan&seamie. Quite telling. My guess is heff telling Ryan thought you were never going to go by etc etc. It would have been close etc. Also I know winners Main objective is BREEDERS CUP CLASSIC. especially as seem relatively weak bunch in America. Nothing to lose and even if runs well enhances his stud fee significantly like giants causeway. My guess break now unless king George weak race. But have few days to decide break come back for ire champ. Will say before race horse will improve for race after lay off in case beaten then BREEDERS CLASSIC.

  3. Hefernan has ridden four times as many Irish Derbies than Moore. If you think Irish racing is fixed don't watch it oor put money on it. Champion at Royal Ascot O'brien Champion at Cheltenham Mullins. How fo they fox that.

  4. Surprise surprise, Kevin Blake who works for Aiden O'briens son doesn't think there's anything wrong with Seamies ride. Racing is so cliquey even the pundits won't call out corruption in the sport, same with ITV racing panel, fair play to TC and BD for at least saying something.

  5. Maybe Augustine Rodin would have won? But it still didn't look good for the sport with Heffernan nursing home Adelaide River like he was a horse returning to the track after a long injury, which we all know wasn't the case.

  6. Honestly thought that Irish Derby was a disgrace. I mean a field of 70% Ap O'Brien horses who wants to watch that for a start? Then Adelaide River throws the race so the Deep Impact horse can win. Corrupt. In other words rigged. In other words stealing peoples money. The itv people always want more people to come racing (partly cos they see longterm racegoers and punters as scum), who on eartb would want to pay their hard earned to go and see and/or bet on a rigged race like that. Anyone who bet on any other horse, effectively had their money stolen by the racing industry. I had no bet in this race but its grossly offensive and noone calls it out. Im starting to hate this sport. Welfare check, overwatering, punters shafted all the time. Sick of it.

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