
One mode now 100% BOTS!? This is INSANE! Blizzard forced to RESPOND!

One mode now 100% BOTS!? This is INSANE! Blizzard forced to RESPOND!

Today we talk about the most recent development in the botting situation in Hearthstone with Blizzard devs finally shining some light on what exactly is going on as some modes are infested with nearly 100% bots.

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20 Comentários

  1. Blizzard put in place the reporting system to make it look like they are doing something when they won't. 50% of the bots are most likely Blizzard bots.

  2. Right now, the bots are mostly rush rogue, druid and secret mage on wild. When you counter these decks with lots of secret eater or smth, the game doesn't match you against them. So it is all planned and the big plan is probably killing the game. These bots are belongs to blizzard.

  3. I have been an off again on again player since 2015, yesterday i came back after like a 1,5 year hiatus, and i had no idea this was going on, i think i got to like silver 8 till i noticed that my opponents are playing cards INSTANTLY when end my turn, and in my head i thought of bots, but then i was reminded or WoW's bot problem and was like "naaah this cant exist in HS", Until i google searched and came upon this video. Shit dude.

  4. This is my experience playing classic ranked recently. I had a couple of real opponents in bronze that I actually lost to while playing a zoolock deck. Besides that its been 90% bots and I am now legend for the first time. Incredible how there's so many bots in the higher mmr ranks. It doesn't feel very rewarding to reach legend after playing against so many bots. I'll continue playing for a while to see how far into legend I can climb. After that I'll probably put this game on the shelf again.

  5. I've played questionable control decks against these bots and almost never lose. They trade into ancient watchers and make other goofy plays and then fireball you in the face when you control the board with 30 health.

  6. I quit hearthstone specifically because of all the bot issues. Untill blizzard gets more involved and act like they even care and doesn't seem like they just want to rake in profits, I won't be coming back. Honestly, untill they fix it, EVERYONE should bot tf out of the game and stop playing themselves. It's only when they start losing lots of money, will they do something. Hit 'em in the pocketbook. Treat them like any other corporate greed machine. 🖕🖕 We pay them to do their job and keep the game up, they should nut up and do it. I said what I said.

  7. Ive come back to the game previously got to legend when trying and usually a diamond player when not focussing and its utterly infested in the lower ranks 2 weeks later and i have about 20 games of which 2 where players 2 suspicious players and 16 bots for sure. Also maybe blizzard gives some gold or a pack to those who report.

  8. Hopefully I can get out of low MMR soon enough, I honestly don't care losing or winning agaisnt them it's just the fact they take SO FUCKING LONG to take their turns, it pisses me the fuck off.

  9. "Mysterious ways" is blizzard speak for "We wont ban them since we dont have the staff for it. But if you as a community do enough reports, the automatic system will take care of it."

  10. its funny that a billion dollar company took how long 8 years? or is it 10? to implement a report button, meanwhile they cant get a working bot busting system, ay community its YOUR JOB, update classic is still full of bots.

  11. 1st of all I'd like to say that I play the game since the beginning and I've never encountered 'people' with such gibberish names (playing on EU).

    Then I'd like to ask the serious question: What are bots / gold farming etc. good for in a game like HS? I don't get it tbh, because you can't really monetize this farming, right? And isn't this the only reason to run bots in the 1st place?

  12. I've played against multiple bots on EU!

    But these pillocks do NOT come up in your player history. So there is no way to report them.

    Anyone have a solution to this?

    One was named DuźyStrzegoń

  13. honestly am so fucking fed up, blizzard literally doesnt do nothing, i've been playing from 2012 and the game doesnt change.
    i take my time to read what i wrote, to be honest, am furious, because warrior is a shit from the beggining, and the little text that blizzard try to answer is simply not enough for me like a old player. I feel like scam because i pay a lot of money for having more fun experience in this game, but i really dont feel i got it. Some changes has appear before, and its ok, i cant just close my eyes and say something like "nothing change" because thats not real, but men… IDK i really would like to give up on this game.

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