
[1 Hour] Graveyard Shift Workers Share The Scariest Thing They’ve Experienced – Ep 2 ScaryStories

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People Who Work The “Graveyard Shift” Share The Scariest Thing They’ve Experienced? Ep 2

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44 Comentários

  1. I have 2 stores
    Story 1: at my last job, I worked in a 24hr emergency home for kids (kids who are in care/apprehended, sometimes you’d get kids as early as 2am). Anyways. In the particular house I worked at, we were the biggest house in that department. They moved 2 houses into one big 15 bedroom house, which was formerly an old care home (so yes, kids are sleeping in rooms old people have died in). Anyways, one night on one of my evening shifts, my coworker and I were on the second floor living room (all the kids were asleep), and I was sitting in the arm chair that was facing down one of the hallways. We were chatting and doing our log books for some of the kids. My coworker then went downstairs to the staff bathroom, when In the corner of my eye, I could see a shadow walk out of one of the kids rooms and straight across the hallway (the hallway was shaped as one big rectangle with 8 rooms on that floor). I thought the kid was going to their sisters room to sleep with her (which is common but not allowed due to safety reasons). Anyways. I got up to go see if that kid got up and. NOPE. I literally got instant chills when I seen both of them fast asleep in their own rooms. Told my coworker and she did not want to stay up there for the rest of our shift, which to be fair was only about an hour left.

    Story 2: During one of my last night shifts of that job, a coworker I really enjoyed working with, was upstairs on the 2nd floor with me. We were done our chores and the hourly bed check for this time so we threw on the Netflix show “Haunted”…… well after the first episode, one of the light up toys (which was starting to break and took a lot to turn on) was literally on going steady, it normally flickered when you hit it. But this time, no one was around it, or touching it. We were both accounted for on the couch. And at that same time I noticed she was staring straight ahead into one of the rooms. I then say to her (I’m gonna call her Cara) “hey Cara, I shit you not, but that Batman toy is going off by itself.” Cara literally froze still staring straight ahead and said “oh my god please don’t say that, I’m literally seeing a shadow in so and so’s room but I thought it was them awake trying to get up.” We both grabbed everything we had with us and went downstairs. Still did the hourly bed checks up there but not alone after that.

    I have more at the other homes that I worked at as a casual for that same company (they have 6 homes scatter around the city I live in). But those are the two that really stuck with me as a Full-time staff at that house.

  2. I have to read along. The gameplay is distracting for me. I kinda miss the old format with a simple background and a few animated characters. Still enjoy th vids tho

  3. On my overnight shift, (not a hospital, regular business) I had a mysterious non humanoid shadow manifest and travel along a wall against which I was sitting, and "tase" the left side of my body & head with stinging electricity like static shock or the "needles" you get when your foot asleep.

    A few days later I woke up from a dream of a dark massive something pressing up against me from behind…and something invisible was pressed up against me from behind.
    I was paralyzed, but managed on a second attempt to move just my head and comnand it away in Jesus' name. It left and never came back.
    (I'm not a churchgoer, in fact I suck, so Jesus really did me a solid!)

  4. It annoys me to no end that the ads are like double the volume of the video.
    Sleeping to these have become impossible

  5. I used to watch cctv cameras from a remote locations. One night, in a construction site, a cop pulled in amd parked his squad car. Then proceeded to pound out a female. Lol. I just left them alone. Shit was super scary.

  6. Interested to know if the CPR guy actually died. My mum had an out of body experience during pregnancy where she died for a couple minutes and flooded above the bed and saw something on top of the cupboard and when she came to told the nurses and they asked if anything was on top of t cupboard and she told her what was there as nurses put stuff on top of cabinets to see if out of body experiences are genuine

  7. I worked in a 3 story Winners store over night shift security i went to the top floor saw the mannequins silhouettes and said fuk this and stayed on the first floor. Was not taking any chances 😅

  8. I’ve heard that p*key is a slur for traveller? But I’m not from the UK or have any personal experience to verify. Maybe it is used in a few ways regionally and not always insultingly?

  9. I worked overnight for Walmart. I once had an interaction with a giant guy who had a real, living Burmese python wrapped around him as he shopped. He was speaking to this snake LOUDLY in Russian. And we were in a small hick town. Never seen anything like that before.

  10. Reading the comments it cracks me up how twisted we all are, listening to these during what should be normal happy routines haha 😆 even I love listening to these stories at night to sleep, when I should be listening to music or audiobooks.

  11. I'm not easily scared, but sitting alone in my dark room at night, listening to these Stories, made me grab my Bible more than once.

    Having a very active mind and Imagination doesn't make it any better, since i can imagine uncomfortably well, to see something lurking in the dark Spots of my Room, staring at me with their one-colored, dead, animalistic and crazy Eyes or slowly creeping out of somewhere, revealing themselves in all of their heinous detail, while uncontrollably panting in Excitement of what is to come next…

    …Which is freaking me out more, than the Stories themselves.

    Jup, being Me is fun.

  12. 15 years ago one of my sons worked in a Halloween haunted house that was in an old grist mill with a waterwheel and everything. The building was old but the Halloween stuff was modern and needed a lot of maintenance so work began in August to start getting ready for an October opening. All the people that worked there saw and heard weird stuff all the time. One time when picking him up I saw someone standing in a third story window even though that floor had rotted away decades before. The best story was a group of guys in Confederate military uniforms waiting in line to go through the haunted house. It's not unusual for people to attend in costume and there are lots of Civil War reenactors in this area (we're in the South.) At the end of the night when the boss counted the till he found Confederate money in the cash box. He later took it to an antique coin dealer. The old money was genuine. The old mill was destroyed by a flashflood years ago but people still say they see weird stuff when they drive by that location at night.

  13. I hear whispering when I work late. Had to strip a floor one time at night a woman had just passed away due to cancer and I kept hearing stuff in her room and her door was cracked open I closed it and just started blasting my music in my ears.

  14. *Your videos are always the best do receive a notification each time you post a new video.. We'll have regrets for things we did not participate in…Investment should always be on any creative man's heart for success in life.*,

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