
As US Covid-19 cases rise above 2.5m, is the country undergoing a second wave? – BBC Newsnight

As #Covid19 cases rise in 30 US states, is the country undergoing a second wave or is the virus still only now reaching its peak in America? Subscribe to our channel here:

Texas, Florida and California are among US states to have reversed or paused the easing of coronavirus restrictions as cases surged after lockdowns begun to lift.

The number of reported infections in the US has now surpassed 2.5 million and over 125,000 Covid-19-related deaths have been confirmed nationwide – more than in any other country.

Worldwide, the virus has been linked to more than 500,000 deaths, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.

US Correspondent David Grossman reports from Washington DC and in the studio Emily Maitlis is joined by Mayor of Wichita Falls in Texas, Stephen Santellana.


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33 Comentários

  1. Dr.Ekpen has really made me so much believe in him by getting me cured of HIV disease with his herbal treatment. I really appreciate you Dr.ekpen for bringing back happiness to my life again. thank you so much for saving me from HIV disease after many years in pains, friends join me to thank Dr.Ekpen for what he has actually done for me i pray to you all for a good life, contact Dr Ekpen on his YouTube page by clicking on this link to help me thank him for saving me from HIV disease with his remedies,
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  2. they are not gonna lock down the country again cause at this Point the vaccine is almost ready it will be out next month in December

  3. Trump 2020. Biden recieves funding from BLM donations. Coincidence? Nothing can stop what's coming. 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

  4. Explain how a journalistic institution turns off comments, thereby smothering the very free speech they claim to champion. Are you truly that stupid? Give us the names of those who thought it was a good idea. Freedom of speech is your purpose, your mission, and your means of functioning. How is turning off comments a rational idea? You're as blindly stupid as a Trump supporter.

  5. Worst president ever, I remember trump saying it would be over by Easter, I didn’t realise he meant Easter 2021☠️☠️☠️☠️

  6. People first have to get the virus to die they don’t just get it and immediately kick the bucket if that was the case humans wouldn’t of survived our 2.5 million on this planet

  7. Listen to Matt Lucas's, "Thank You Baked Potato" Import and and simple to follow advice during this pandemic xxx

  8. Obviosuly you are going through a second wave and maybe a third one! the way you are reporting without any mask r goves and not staying inside your home! its obvious!

  9. Black people more lickly to catch covid, loads of black people out for blm. All promoted by soros. Mmmm agenda anyone?

  10. It's because Americans want their rights, right to protest, right to not wear masks, right to go wherever they want, right to go whenever they want, right to get infected by corona virus, assuming they believe it exists.

  11. We're being lied to by omission. Cases != injuries. Cumulative total of cases is increasing, cumulative total of deaths is increasing, but deaths per time is decreasing, and has been for months.

    CCPV19 Crisis Could Push 100 million people into extreme poverty, New World Bank Study Says

    “The CDC estimates that as of May 18 this year approximately ninety thousand Americans have died of CCPV19. Adjusted for population size, that comes out to a mortality rate of 272 per million. This is (so far) less than half the mortality rate for the 1957 – 58 flu pandemic. In that pandemic, it is estimated that as many as 116,000 uSA folk died. Yet, the uSA population was much smaller then, totaling only 175 million, for a mortality rate of 663 per million. So the 1957 – 58 flu mortality rate would have resulted in 220,000 deaths in the uSA today.

    Yet, uSA folk in 1957 did not respond by shutting down commerce, forcing people into `lockdown,’ or driving unemployment up to Depression-era levels. In fact, reports show that uSA folk took little action beyond the usual measures involved in trying to slow the spread of disease: hand washing, staying home when ill, etc.”

    What MSM is not telling you about masks with Denis RanCourt, PhD (Outspoken scientist disproving effectiveness of masks). He points out that cause-of-death-attribution data is intrinsically unreliable, which has been known since modern epidemiology was first practiced, and is why rigorous epidemiological studies in stead use all-cause mortality data which isn't susceptible to bis. He notes that modern human mortality in mid-latitude temperate-climate regions is robustly seasonal, and that Shaman et al. (2010) in a landmark study showed that the seasonal pattern of respiratory-disease excess mortality can be explained quantitatively on the sole basis of absolute humidity, and its direct controlling impact on transmission of airborne pathogens. He also notes in this paper that while the all-cause mortality in this 2020 season is normal, there is a spike in April and March that has never been seen before: Rancourt, Genis G., Ph.D. (2020). Working report (not submitted for journal publication), published at Research Gate. All-cause mortality during CCPV19: No plague and a likely signature of mass homicide by government response.

  12. You are trying to impose safety practices on a people who resent any interference with their 'constitutional rights' and do not grasp the bigger picture, but I fear their understanding will come too late. Life has changed and people need to appreciate that.

  13. Humm.. riots, blm demonstrations, anti lockdown rallies and anti mask protesters. Wondering why it’s getting worse.

  14. Ppl flooding the streets in every city over the last month so why the surprise?

  15. Lol I love that they still try to hold trump on a positive pedestal ‘it’s because he’s been SO efficient with testing!’ – no, it’s because he’s been an uneducated fool who didn’t put appropriate procedures in place from the start so everyone has continued to endanger lives. No one has had any direction, everyones still going about their lives as they did before, no masks, no hygiene, no real pressure on lockdowns – people are still travelling all over the place, not just for essential items, having days out at the beaches & parks.. but yes.. it’s because dearest Trump put money into testing 😂
    I genuinely feel sorry for any American deluded enough to put that man back in power for another 4yrs. Save your country from more idiocy.

  16. “#1 in covid cases”
    “#1 in covid deaths”

    Because you’re a fucking continent not a country 🤦🏻‍♂️

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