
Bertcast # 537 – Mark Normand, Dave Williamson & ME

Today, I sit down in Colorado with comedians, Mark Normand and Dave Williamson. We talk about performing at Red Rocks, ex girlfriends, first loves, cheating, Shane Gillis, Marks accent, and much more!

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49 Comentários

  1. Somewhere there is a Sheila with a son named Derrick…. this is your calling Sheila. DONT CHEAT but Be Bert's "second family"

  2. If bert cheated only 2 possibilites could happen with leanna
    1. Shes calm and understands mistakes happens, she loves him
    2. Shes been a ride or die, and now you die.

    That's all

  3. Poor person.. paid 85 dollars for a ticket before convid… we care .. Americans do not care about poor people. How many more ways to make money. With saying that. You were amazing at the tivoli in brisbane. 4 shows, so have been saving up ever since. I want to see all your shows.. I have never laugh more before or since.

  4. Mark is the epitome, the definition of a comedian.
    "I say we all hold him down and put mushrooms in his mouth" Mark said "that'll be the first time he's ate a vegetable" lmao.

  5. "i have sneaky good breathe for someone who doesn't brush their teeth" aahahaha

    I mean I guess I have sneaky cardio for a fat guy

  6. Mark mentioned the "asian" change around 19 but if I remember he also did that on 'this is not happening' with his professors age. Great joke telling.

  7. If Bret just drank like a normal human I'd be willing to bet he'd lose 20+ lbs within a few months and keep it off

  8. Mark Normand is so damn funny man. When Bert asked his wife "What's the name of that book about blowjobs?" And Mark said "Is it a Pop Up book?" 😂😂😂 Then he said "It's called Everything Sucks !!!" Haaaaa

  9. Love Bert but dude was a big ole dumb-dumb back in the day and sometimes currently. I love how honest he his and how he tells his stories. Mark is as equally amazing with how quick he is. Fully Loaded was so good!!!!

  10. On the backs eh…..they wanted to get rid of slavery because the south was bleeding their economy dry. The north wouldn't send the slaves that escaped back to the south and created huge tensions along with that. Everyone kind of just gets lost in the easy

  11. The "N" word means ignorant and uneducated. It shouldn't even be a considered a racial word honestly didn't become a racial word until the modern times it was basically calling someone fucking stupid it was a curse word and if people want to be offended by it then nobody should use it it's not a cultural word that's complete utter bullshit so either everyone stops using it and it's not okay for anyone to use it or it's okay for everyone to use it and it's not a racial word it's used the way the dictionary says what it means they're just words and if you're getting your feelings hurt by what something else says then honestly you're the one with the problem and the self-esteem issues and I'm tired of people blaming everyone else for their internal problems just take the word off the table and it's not an issue for anybody anymore because no one's going to use it.

    Real cultural issue is since the Advent of the welfare system it was more beneficial for people not to get married to receive money that in turn too many people have grown up without a father in the house and they weren't taught to respect themselves and respect others this is created more problems than anything else in my opinion in our current Society it spans to drugs alcohol depression interpersonal relationships marriage self-worth and the list goes on if people respected themselves it wouldn't matter what someone else said to them no matter what the word was

  12. No one gives a flying shit that Shane got kicked off of SNL before he even got started because SNL is no longer even a relevant program no one absolutely no one watches SNL unless you're maybe 90 years old and grasping at straws to hang on to the Past and I grew up with SNL and it's Heyday with Eddie Murphy

  13. Lol, Bert changing Leanne's accent is hilarious, it not only is damn funny, it also highlights Bert accent proficiency…

  14. I'm starting to think these stand up comedians are making way more than musicians these days, that's a lot of dates

  15. Knowing Shane was supposed to be on the podcast bums me out watching this. Would have been next level.

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