
Betfair Trading | Get ahead of the curve with this Betfair trading strategy

Being ahead of the curve is often a way of describing how you are ahead of current events. So here is a Betfair Trading Strategy that does precisely that.

Predicting what will happen will allow you to bet or trade with an edge.

When you are betting to an edge, you need to win at a greater rate than the odds suggest. When Betfair trading, it’s about nipping in and out at different time scales and betting odds, then profiting between those two points.

Many people will try to convince you that you need a PhD in maths to have any chance of doing this, but the reality is very different.

I’ve looked at many ways to get an edge when betting or Betfair trading and this video explores one specific example.

This is something you can judge yourself, but better than that, it takes the example of the sorts of betting biases you see in day-to-day markets.

00:00 – Introduction
02:21 – Why stats and data produce biases
03:53 – Tennis
07:11 – Golf & Football
09:24 – Horse Racing
13:22 – Summary

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