
Betfair Trading Profit – How to take profit & build your Betfair bank at the same time!

Got profit on Betfair? But don’t want to take it out of Betfair because you want to build your trading bank?

Well you are in luck my friend and future super trader. I’m going to show you how you can do BOTH in this video.

I firmly believe you want to see some money for all your hard work on Betfair and not just leave it in the account building for future payouts and dreams – you can now do both!


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28 Comentários

  1. I'm catching up on the last couple of weeks of your videos today. I always watch your videos to the end by the way.

  2. Percentages. Nice one Ryan, another interesting video. Loving the podcasts at the moment where you answer our questions. I'm a wagon driver so I have lots of time to listen. Just worked my way through all your one line lessons on you tube and they are spot on. Lots of content that is obvious when you say it but we don't always think about it.
    I've spoken to you about it before but my problem was trying to do everything at once and ending up doing nothing. I am now not setting a timescale on my trading but making sure that I understand each stage as I reach it.
    Look forward to Friday's podcast, cheers, Dave.

  3. Percentage, hi, I'm Italian and the translation of the video is not very good, if I understood correctly 50% remains in the betfair account and the other 50% I withdraw, so with 25 or 30% I use it for my expenses and the other remaining I build an emergency fund, right? thank you

  4. I remember asking you this question a daily routine video would be good again as you would of done when you just traded by yourselve – how you worked out hours – breaks e.t.c and how you treated it as a job

  5. Percentages. Fantastic idea to build both bank and get a reward for your efforts as well as build a safety net. As a newbie using a small bank to learn discipline and bank roll management I made enough last month to buy a chocolate bar from my 50%, but it’ll be the best 🍫 ever. Thanks guys, love the content👍🏼😁

  6. Percentages!!!! Where would you suggest expense come from, ie if I was to re subscribe to BTC would you take that out the 20%?

  7. Percentages! Great video Ryan, this is a bit similar to the system what I have. Any profits at month end 50% stays in Betfair, 25% into Dividend stocks and 25% on whatever else we fancy. It's not much at the moment but it's getting there month on month. 👍

  8. Percentages 🙂

    This is only 2nd month trading and did make a profit over the last 30 days however had decided to spend first 6-12 months trying to build bankroll so that there is something to withdraw and keeps the "safety net" should the next month not be a profitable one. Hopefully in 6 months I can start putting this video into practice as it makes sense. While the balance online doesn't seem like real money, by withdrawing it as a "wage" it makes it real and will help focus more on turning a profit every month

  9. Yes great topic the first thing i did on betfair was nose around the different banks , as there where 3 banks if i can remember . putting the bank in the main , the profits in the poker card thing bank ( sorry its been a while i have been in betfair ) so you now got 3 banks , a trade bank a profit bank and a bankrole.

    100 bank 2 % trade 10 % profit .
    makes 20 cents a trade build your bank and it gives you a warm feeling of yes i did wel.

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