
Curious Beginnings | Critical Role: THE MIGHTY NEIN | Episode 1

In Wildemount, seven adventurers coalesce in a tavern before finding themselves drawn to a mysterious circus…

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44 Comentários

  1. I never thought in my life I’d fall asleep to McRee telling me a bed time story and woken loudly 5 mins later by Ellie from LoU screaming gtfo of my tent…

  2. I don't know how they've done it, but I'm so incredibly hooked. I've just finished RE-watching campaign 1, and am rolling right back into a re-watch of 2, and chomping at the bit for this Thursday's new episode of 3…

    And, I started watching for the first time AFTER the animated show came out. =P

    I love all these people so damn much. They've created something so beautiful and wonderful and engaging, and after about a million hours of watching this crazy…experiment in story-telling…they seem like genuinely wonderful people. I wish them all the success.

  3. Ozzie would love to run a D&D game as a ST for the GM's of the multiverse. The 'EXU' GM's would be the my 'first pick' to test run this idea.

    Delilah's pact has been made; Laudna may return. #metaverse?

  4. what i like here is that caleb gave his full name of caleb widogast to the guard while everyone gave false identities because caleb widogast is a false identity

  5. "I'm sticking this with fucking accent for the next two years."
    And your character is why I came to watch this, animatics with this weird goblin peeked my interest

  6. I've recently started playing DnD with friends. I was suggested to watch this series. OMG, so bloody good! You guys are a laugh and a half! Amazing DMing, brilliant RPing! Loved every minute of it!

  7. Finally got into Critical Role thanks to The Legend of Vox Machina show! Already loving it so far. Also, the fact that Liam named his character Caleb makes me happy.

  8. It's amazing how lively can Matt paint the picture in front of my eyes. I saw the Carnival scenes so vividly, my heart was pounding with excitement.

  9. one day I will riff a Slayer into D&D write the different culture into getting smashed through an open sigil door and into where ever.

    Here's hoping Matt makes simon's cat noises all campaign

  10. Fun fact: in January of 2018, more people looked up "Falchion" on Google than any other date since.

  11. Absolutely loved the start of the Nein, I just spent 6 months with Vox Machina and from the looks of things I am going to LOVE this group just as much.

  12. I cant believe campaign 2 began in 2018….and that it wasx 143 episodes. I watched them all but I feel like I missed some just cause of the huge number. Might as well rewatch it all.

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