
DBD – Randoms = Easy AI Bots (Matchmaking Is Broken?)

I’m convinced that these randoms are bots. (Please don’t witchhunt these players)
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Hope you guys enjoyed this video!
I’m an untalented individual who strives to make it in the Youtube business, help me out by sharing my videos to your prepubescent teenagers that you like to call your “friend”.

Link do Vídeo

45 Comentários

  1. Hey guys! This isn't one of my best gameplay videos, but I'm starting to understand how to make them better. If you would share these videos with your friends, I would greatly appreciate that!
    Thanks for all the support guys, I honestly thought making the change from making tutorials to gameplay videos would be a car wreck, I LOVE YOU ALL <3

  2. Me: Mom, can we get some solo queue?

    Mom: We have solo queue at home

    The solo queue at home:

  3. Lemon freaking out about the locker situation is the funniest fucking thing I've witnessed in a long time.

  4. I would've been so upset because of the last game ahaha, it's different though when they do stuff and then get the hatch, but staring at a wall and hiding in a closet, leaving someone who did the gens to die as they did nothing? Man.
    Oh well, was an amusing round to watch, and no hate to any of the other survivors.

  5. I'm immersed, but at least I know how to get good saves and do 2+ gens on my own lmfao

  6. This is basically rank 16-20. I can't even survive properly bc my teammates are doing jack shit. I make 1 mistake and they let me die on my 1st and only hook

  7. I swear to fucking god it's always the Claudette's that I want to strangle the most.

  8. its survivors like this that make me hate the hatch cause i see that kinda stuff too often and neither of them deserve to escape but they and up doing so in my games through hatch. if im killer i do slug or just ignore people cause of this kinda stuff

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