
Defrauded Gas Station Owner Speaks Out | TVJ News

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29 Comentários

  1. Let's also talk about the gas attendants who collect your money but "forget" to turn on the pump when they put the nozzle in your car!!

  2. Every body now start saying that they are stealing because their parents sick and the stole the money to pay their parents bill. Send all of them go do time. Tiaaad a them!

  3. Don’t trust anyone- crooks have taken over Jamaican. Get rich quick mentally- put the woman a prison

  4. The Bible speaks very clearly about the Bread of Shame. That is when you spend money you did not work for. Money is like energy. If you work for it, it is positive energy. If you steal it, it becomes negative, and whatever you purchase with it is affected by the same negative energy. Nothing in the Universe gives you nothing for nothing. Thou shall not steal.

  5. The elephant in the room is the dishonesty of Jamaicans. It is called hustling. I hire a Jamaican in Canada, and when he works and collects money for me, he put it in his account. When I ask for my money he says I am not fair. Jamaica needs tougher laws against stealing. The Bible says if a person is caught stealing he or she must pay it back 5 times.

  6. Not a good businessman him just running him mouth… yuh suppose to have an accountant reporting back to you daily

  7. Jamaica is full of scammers and thieves who use sickness of some relatives as excuses.

  8. This is what happened when the POLITICIANS and Private sectors COLLUDE and refused to SHARE THE WEALTH AND RESOURCES. We will take OUR SHARE. No yacht trip this year boss. BLACK PEOPLE TAKE YOUR SHARE just like how they are TAKING our sweat.

  9. Need to hire a worker to watch one another and shift them daily or weekly and from citys to citys..and every six months FIRE and re HIRE new staff..

  10. Imagine granny deh deh strong and hearty but broke like bottle… and listen this now only to hear say Sandra theif 2.5 million and claim say she give granny who a dead🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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