
Drag Race España S2 ep2 References! Review from a Spaniard

**subtítulos en español **

Review of the first episode of Drag Race España Season 2 from a Spaniard.

You can watch Drag Race España on WOWPresents+ or on Atresplayer Premium (from Spain)

Please don’t send hate to any individual mentioned in this video. These are all my opinions and should not be taken as facts.

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Listen to The Chop with Manila Luzon and Latrice Royal:

Twitter: @LaMartaMamma

Instagram (personal): @marta.mamma

Links Mentioned:

Joselito – Doce cascabeles

Tú y yo hemos tenido una noche de amor (Bárbara Rey y Chelo García Cortés)

Lina Morgan – Gracias por venir

Drag Sethlas Carnaval 2017:

Samantha Hudson – Maricón

Easter in Seville (Semana Santa):

La Zowi – Bitch Mode
La Zowi – Putas

Lola Flores – Tanguillos de la guapa de Cai
Lola Flores – Tanguillos de la abuelita

La Terremoto de Alcorcón – 212 FLORES

Ariel Rec – Tarantula

Estrella Xtravaganza – Gorda y Divina (ROAR version)
Estrella Xtravaganza – Gorda y Divina (Drag Race version):

Diamante Merybrown – CHOCOLATE Music Video

Jade (Jota’s Runway look):

Onyx Family – Casa Futura
Morgue Futura (Onyx Runway)

Mecano – El amante del fuego
Fire in Alcalá 20 in 1983 (Article in English)

Europa Vestidero (Diamante’s Runway):
Vestidero Design:
Parodi Paradise:


Link do Vídeo

27 Comentários

  1. Thank you SO much. I've been googling my brains out trying to find out what is going on when watching D.R. Espana.. you put it all together.. THANNNNNNNKKKKKSSSS

  2. I feel like Samantha is this years Pupi. I don't know why most Americans don't understand their drag! Maybe bc everything in American media is always perfect but still, why can't we celebrate performers that stay true to themselves? Im enamoured with anyone that can get on stage and do their thing without giving a shit about what anyone thinks; those that are 100% unapologetically themselves- that absolutely includes Pupi and Samantha! They're proof that you don't have to have to be exceptionally polished to be an excellent entertainer.

  3. So grateful for your guidance. I was quite unsettled by Sharon’s performance: a white man imitating a black artist but your comments soothed me. I have learnt a lot about your country and culture. Thank you once again

  4. I read your response about Bussy Queen’s ‘non coverage’ of Deag Race Espana. I’m so mad at myself that I didn’t keep track of the video where he ‘re-capped’ the first three episodes of season 1. He was VERY complimentary and excited for the season / franchise. Wish I could find it because it was a really interesting and enthusiastic analysis.

  5. Marta, Martin here, I’m so excited that your analysis for Season 2, episode 3 is posted. Can’t wait to see it later tonight !

    But now, I wanted to recommend two short videos for you and your fans about the ‘controversy’ about Aja and Drag Sethlas’ jump….which, I believe, we ALL LOVED !

    They’re from a favorite Drag Race commentator whose analyses, I feel, are well researched and fair-minded.

    His ‘name’ is Bussy Queen and the first video is titled ‘Aja vs Drag Race Espana Drama’ and the second video is titled ‘Aja Faces Backlash from Drag Race Espana Queens’. I think they’ll be of interest to fans / tweeters….

    The bottom line, after all the drama of the ´back and forth’ tweets is that everyone’s explained their comments and are waiting to kiss each other (post-Covid) having made up !

    I typed this while your video about Season 2, episode 2 was on ´in the background’. It’s the 2nd time I’ve watched it….and the ‘Third time (I watch it) is going to be the charm’ !

    Keep up your WONDERFUL reviews…I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM….AND YOU ! 💋

  6. Here from IMHO, your breakdowns are AMAZING and make Drag Race España even better. Thank you for making these 💖💖💖

  7. I've watched this episode with my chin on the floor! Seriously, so much talent!!! Also seeing the entire panel of judges genuinely cry, was too much! The love, understanding, support and compassion for the queens is real! It was a true entertainment in the best meaning of the word and it makes me wanna go to Spain and experience all the drag screen there in person! Thank you Marta Mamma! You're a treasure of knowledge and a true inspiration. Your help is very VERY much appreciated. The religious/historical (plus all the other cultural) insight was priceless! Kids, if you don't watch Marta Mamma's recaps, you're only getting half the story! 😆👍

  8. Acabo de encontrar este videos. Me encanta! Hoy es sábado y tengo que limpiar la casa so voy a poner todos tus videos pa motivation. Buen trabajo!

  9. When Juriji started singing 'La Habenera' from my favourite opera Carmen, I was very excited, and I enjoyed it a lot. But I understand your criticism. I just think that she was singing in her range, which is Soprano, whereas the role of Carmen is a Mezzo-Soprano.

  10. For me both Samantha's lipsynchs seemed like she was destroying her drag out of desperation rather than artistic choice because it didn't seem to go with the song or the look either time so I felt like she lost both times. She does seem more interesting than the other girls who left so far, so I get why they kept her.

  11. Muchas gracias Marta por todas las referencias que das y todo el trabajo que pones en las reviews para que el público de fuera de España pueda entender el programa y aficionarse a él. Un saludo desde Zaragoza🥰

  12. Well, if my comments to you are ‘the nicest’, isn’t it about time they made it your way ? 😉

    Can’t wait to watch ALL your videos (MORE than once !), they’re THAT terrific !

    Keep up the good…I mean GREAT work !

  13. Thanks …. love to follow Espana but not my language. This is brilliant. And I love your hair !

  14. Marta, You’re SO SWEET to respond to your newest FAN ! You remind me of a wonderful high school friend who I absolutely love.

    I stayed up late last night, and imagine doing that quite often, watching your videos. I’m now going to watch the season 2 episodes again, with your commentary in mind. Then I’m gonna watch your reviews AGAIN ! Don’t wanna miss any details or your commentary.

    Then I’m gonna ‘repeat the process’ with season one !

    Luv your queer positive perspective and how lucky are we that you have the knowledge to ‘wrap it all’ in a beautiful package of history and culture !

    And SO agree with you about the American producers ‘stirring the pot’ for drama. That’s why the foreign Drag Races, ESPECIALLY Espana, really are so much better !

    This American fan is so grateful for your enthusiasm and knowledge ! Stay well, Marta !

  15. I’m so happy that IMHO ‘turned me onto’ Marta Mamma ! I absolutely love her ! Her intelligence, ENTHUSIASM and knowledge has ‘bowled me over’. She is so entertaining and her commentary will help us understand and enjoy D.R. Espana even more. I also love her gender fluid comments and all that she has to offer us as we continue to watch, enjoy and understand the show. Thank you so much, Marta ! Keep up the good work !

  16. this ep was AMAZING, rlly one of the best talent shows i've seen on the drg race franchise. thank you so much for these videos<3

  17. soy de españa pero no sé mucho de folclore español y otras referencias así así q tus videos me vienen muy bien < 3 llevo desde la temporada pasada y siento que he aprendido un montón. aparte de que me encanta oír tus opiniones y tus videos me alegran el día

  18. Gonna try and figure out my old PayPal password this afternoon just to show a little appreciation. Hope all you other commenters are doing the same!

  19. This was indeed the best episode in Drag Race history!!! Thank you for your reviews! You are a ray of sunshine in a dark world

  20. I think Drag Sethlas runway character killed the wolf and made a fur hood and hand muff out of it. Love you and your reviews. xox

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