
Fanatec CSW 2.5 to DD1 – Was the Upgrade Worth it?

I’ve been running the Fanatec Podium DD1 for a while now, an upgrade from the belt driven CSW 2.5. I’ve already given my impressions of these two wheelbases but now I’m going to look at whether the upgrade really was worth it. I’ll go through my feelings about both wheelbases and come to some sort of conclusion on that subjective value proposition.

00:00 – Introduction
00:39 – Thoughts on the CSW 2.5
03:02 – Why Upgrade?
04:22 – Thoughts on the Podium DD1
06:40 – Podium Problems
09:29 – Final Thoughts

#fanatec #podiumdd1 #csw25

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6 Comentários

  1. Very thorough and fair commentary. Over the course of around 14 years I went from a G25 to Fanatec's earlier, much cheaper Porsche belt drive wheels and from those to my current CSW2.5 in around 2019. Prior to all of that I used the Microsoft Sidewinder wheel for about 7 years. I love the CSW2.5 and have no desire to upgrade further (though I would obviously get a DD1 if and when the CSW2.5 finally dies).

    I have actually noticed the CSW2.5 is happier with older titles and I think that might have something to do with those titles being coded around older wheels that had inherent lag within the mechanisms – either through reduction gearing or belts. This suits me fine though as my sim of choice for now and into the long term is still Race07 with all subsequent upgrade packs.

    My driving improved considerably once I had my CSW2.5 dialled in but mainly in terms of lap consistency and tyre management. My lap time variations were around a tenth of a second per minute versus much larger variations with the cheaper wheels. And my lap times drop off far less over the course of a race since the greater detail under braking and out of corners enables me to strike the best compromise between tyre wear and exit speed.

    For me the biggest difference with these better wheels is how they behave out of slower corners. I think force feedback at higher G loadings has always been pretty good – even since the very early days of the Sidewinder wheels and GPL. It is the more subtle stuff where the better wheels shine and I would expect the DD1 would provide a more authentic experience. That said, I actually appreciate the sheer "damped smoothness" of the CSW2.5 in much the same way I appreciate the effect of a functioning damper coupler in the electronic power steering of my road car! The steering in both my road car and the sim feel all but identical – for better or worse.

  2. Thank you for your honest review. Other YouTubers are glorifying the dd1 so well that i think these people are justifying there purchase and it can't be night and day difference.

  3. Was thinking to upgrade my csw2.5. i can't find anything worthwhile because this base is so good. I feel everything with it.

  4. I’ve been debating buying the DD1 for a while now and this is the first time I’m hearing of this jolt bug, is this still persistent? Is only a few bases that do this? Only a few posts online about it

  5. Thank you for mentioning the jolt. I too have experienced it at Bathurst and thought I had my settings wete to aggressive or hadn't mounted it properly. At least I know I ain't alone…..

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