
Floored- Into The Pit HQ – Epic Market Trader Movie

Walk in the shoes of the men and women on the front lines of our financial crisis as they struggle to remain relevant in the electronic age.

One guy said: “It’s no fun unless you can die.” Was he talking about hunting wild animals in Africa or trading on the floor in Chicago?

Enter a world where pandemonium reigns and reckless ambition rules: the trading floors in the financial canyons of downtown Chicago. Here, men use strange hand signals to buy and sell everything from pork belly to soybeans while wearing the weight of our complex economy on their shoulders – along with their neon jackets. It’s a physical, bruising place, one where a slight gain creates heroes, rich beyond what their high school educations should ever afford. But the wrong move on the wrong day can ruin lives. At a time when millions have lost fortunes in the fickle stock market and fear abounds about the faltering financial system, FLOORED is a gripping, honest look behind the curtain of the trading floor that few have ever seen.

As the floor is nearly vacant today one trader laments: “The computer is the most vile thing ever created.”
“Maybe 1/10th as many in the pit now compared to the 1980’s.”

Link do Vídeo

22 Comentários

  1. I have +20 years of trading experience, and I really respect and appreciate Linda as a person and a trader! To anyone new looking for a mentor I'd recommend her videos and the book.

  2. WOW.. more trolls that are transgender lovers tthat don't know the last bastion of freedom is open out cry!

  3. if a computer can replace a floor trader then y can't we have computers replace all the idiots who work @ Walmart/Home Depot?, full disclosure I'm currently long HD

  4. after watching the whole movie, A phobia of computers is the problem I think…  If these traders can transfer their practical trading skills into trading electronically they would probably make more money than they would in the pits.  At the same time, some people perform better at what they have done for years and years so it's a mater of choice.  I mean, some would prefer to wake up at 9:00 am, have plenty of time for breakfast then get on their screens at 9:50 before the market opens… and some really likes the commute to the city, a walk to the exchange, putting on a special jacket then yell at people for 6 hours or so.  There's nothing wrong with how you want to trade the financial markets, Just do what is right with you.

  5. 20k up one day 60k down another, thats not professional trading, its called gambling. Thank goodness pit trading has disappeared. A bunch of degenerate losers.

  6. My english sux but, Jesse Livermore said: It dont mather what side of the game you are on, bull or bear side… as long as you make money. The ticker dont lie….. bitching about the computers, robot algoritems or whatever is just loosers excuses. The game is the same as it always was you see paterns in the price moves or you dont. If you dont… dont play, if you do…play. If you loose, cut your losses fast and dont bitch… when you make cash dont brag or talk about money… ever. Let your new whatch or car talk for you. If you make money hold on too the trade and let the winner play it self. If you dont have automatik stopploss orders, you are just another sucker and a gambler…. Good luck too you all.. peace from a norwegian stock investor

  7. i can't post the address in the comments, please google Floored documentary, it should be the 1st result – please link in comments and put an annotation on the video as well. Thanks!

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