
Gran Turismo 7 Bot Exploits | Can Sony Legally Stop Them? (VL647)

Gran Turismo 7: there’s no question that it’s had a rough weak. Now, as a response to the game’s reduction in credit payments, enterprising players have taken to launching remote play scripts to drive for credits for them, but are such scripts and bots a violation of Sony’s license agreements?

The answer may not be as obvious as one might think.

They didn’t mean for the “real driving simulator” to be quite so “simulator”…in Virtual Legality.

#GranTurismo #Exploits #Bots



Discussed in this episode:




“Virtual Legality” is a continuing series discussing the law, video games, software, and everything digital, hosted by Richard Hoeg, of the Hoeg Law Business Law Firm (Hoeg Law).



Twitter: @hoeglaw

Joe Ellis (Logo Design)
Chris Leroux (Motion Graphics)
For more information: contact Chris at @Chrisleroux on Twitter.


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38 Comentários

  1. Well since they completely took the fun out of racing for creds so you can feasibly or at least have a glimmer of hope of eventually owning the cars I could give a fuck what happens to the game. Sorry but this latest installment has ruined it for me.

  2. Can't they just update the PSN terms of service and require people to agree to the new terms next time they log in? It wouldn't effect past use of the script, but it would let them deal with it going forward.

  3. The answer is no; there's nothing in the ToS that Sony can use – the closest they get is PSN ToS 27.3.2, which is unenforcable due to its blatantly unrealistic expectation.

    You also have a typo in your description.

  4. Let's be honest it doesn't matter if if you can argue it's legal to use bots, the truth is if Sony decides to BAN your account what are you going to do? They have the lawyers. I had a good time playing it, but it was a real disappointment to me from beginning to end. I find the graphics lacking, I find the interface annoying, I despise the online requirement and the fact that this game will be dead and unplayable in a few years. I already paid a FULL price for a game and will NEVRY give them another dime for content. I will play this a little longer and then go back to the superior in every way FM7 and wait for FM8 to release which I expect to actually have next gen graphics.

  5. I get your point but sorry, Sony actually takes the smarter route here.

    If you use a third-party software (knowingly and willingly) to script (!) the inputs then this is 100% covered in Sonys agreements. They are talking about unauthorized software and at the beginning they also mentioned cheating and script.

    Again, i get your point but in front of a court there is no way that Sony would lose. The user LITERALLY uses unauthorized software to script the inputs to gain an advantage. All covered in the agreements. Sony doesnt need to name every single method of cheating (that would lead to the issue that never methods arent coveted in the agreements)

    But it would make it easier for them if they named the mentioned aspects but it doesnt mean that they would lose or something.

  6. I'd like to know why game companies haven't been hit with class action lawsuits for repeatedly scamming their customers.

  7. … I know the answer they will probably react with to solve the bot farming "problem". They will most likely do what ffxiv did to avoid people earning too much experience when 1.0 was out. Gradually decrease the amount possible to earn until you get a hard cut off that does not reset until an amount of real time passes.

  8. I think sony would not win a battle with this just its too flimsy and if they did win it could send a very negative precedent in the rule of law regarding contracts could have negative effects on contracts but i see what you are saying it is interesting to ponder. but i think the lowering rewards and adding microtransactions the way they did should not be legal because it feels like you are lying of what the true state of the game is intended to be. reviewers are getting angry because them doing this makes reviewers look bad as well for giving it a good review. I think their should be false advertising law about this issue because getting a game in the original state only for them to do this feels like they lied to the consumer about how the game is supposed to be.

  9. This is how you get Korean MMO energy systems. I promise you GT7 will be getting a patch to set a hard cap of CR earned per day followed by some PR language like "You will be unaffected by this hotfix as we're setting limits to prevent exploits that allowed players to farm an unrealistic amount of CR per day" or some nonsense

  10. They can't even prove you aren't making the inputs they are going to whack a mole the races that it works on unless they are really dumb enough to try to ban people, accounts, whatever.

  11. Im normally against botting heavily but thats for games with a shared economy. The cars allowed in online races are cheap/given unless you wanna use a vision car and dont ruin anything and you cant trade credits/cars etc like in older games. Not saying id do it but for once people botting this doesnt bug me. Think of it as.. b spec races which they cut from the game because they wanna sell mtx

  12. It actually shows and says in the description for buying the game that you can sell your cars and then the game comes out and you can’t it’s still shows that you can buy and sell an urn and when your way through the championship

  13. Nvm all the bot farming and in-game economy stuff, I don't see how anyone could say "online play optional" for GT7 with a straight face. The offline game content is maybe worth $20 at most. So much about this game is shady..

  14. People are always gonna try and cheat mtx systems in games but sony and polyphony are doing a very good job of pushing more people to seek that stuff out since they couldn't be bothered to separate the single player economy from the multiplayer one.

  15. It's almost as if Sony failed to recognize that PS Remote Play was designed to operate on a PC where things such as scripts exist.

  16. I hate to be crass but please everybody wake up and don't except this bully Sony BS!

    Act NOW, Boycott the game and if your in the right states Demand your money

    back as False advertising. If we don't vote with our $$$ we will be slaves to these

    Greedy business practices. Take back your power Boycott Sony till they do business

    our way the Consumer. They are Nothing without us & they treat us as Nothing.

  17. I like how there is so much entitlement out there. People are making it sound like cheating is a product of the micro-transactions. But the reality is that people will cheat with or without the micro-transactions. Cheaters are just self-rationalizing to justify their cheating and self vindicating the act. While at the same time cheating themselves of the best aspect of the game. I’m playing the game without cheating or micro-transactions and the game is awesome. The thrill of earning credits and upgrading my car while slowly beating races is the classic GT experience. There is no thrill of just having all the money and buying whatever you want…

  18. I fail to see a difference between this and a gamer mouse or macros. Should this change and they make it "illegal" to use software to give controller input, people with a gamer mouse of even just an auto fire button on a controller would run the chance of getting into legal trouble. (in a worse case scenario)

  19. if they can just change the agreement whenever they want to add whatever they want then what does all this speculation matter? they'll just add it and you'll be forced to agree even if if wasn't included before

  20. I think we are well past the point of Sony caring either way. They genuinely feel untouchable in the games market & shareholders want their pound of flesh. The only way this changes if games journalists call them out every time & gamers stop buying their games. Whatever you do stop pre ordering. Because no games company can be trusted.

  21. +Hoeg’s Law most probably dozens of people ask this already. But based on the misleading reviews, and the changes in the game is there anything customer can do from the legal perspective to fight back?
    Or it should be just be more careful in the future.
    It’s sad to say but with how gaming industry operates I stopped buying new releases years ago. I wait for patches, complete/goty editions buy the games later at reduced (or highly reduced price).

  22. Well if the greedy MOFO's hadnt crippled their economy they wouldnt have this problem. I love GT, but frankly this move means I hope they LOSE ALL THE MONEY.

  23. It sounds like there needs to be a law that you can’t make a single player game into a live service, and that players can do anything they want with what they own (when it’s an offline game). Sony obviously loved the GT Sport micro transaction money and they wanted to keep it rolling in on their single player entry (with an online mode). Single player games used to have free online modes for after you complete the game to give people something to do after, and now they want to monetize that mode, so why not just have you go online when you click multiplayer? Then you can monetize and control the online mode, and let people enjoy the single player game they paid for.

  24. you know why bot exists on MMO games, because it's not that fun to grind heavily in the game
    it could be fun for a short of time, like an hour or two
    but when you have to grind over and over and over for hours, it's not fun anymore

  25. The remote play communication protocols have already been reverse engineered and there are open source remote play clients available which could be used instead of the Sony client so the Remote Play contract wording wouldn't necessarily apply.

  26. To be honest – they dont need specific paragraph in TOS for this issue. If they find someone is using that kind of "exploit", they can just ban that PSN account without notice – they have paragraph about it in TOS.

  27. Why should it be illegal to use a script? Using a script makes the game real and Sony wanted it. Cars also become autonomous like a Tesla.

    By using a script, we give the game more realism with autonomous cars

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