
How Bots are RUINING League of Legends

Bots are Ruining League of Legends! Bots are Ruining League of Legends, they are talking over both bot games and RANKED Games! How has this been going on for so long? Find out way new players to league of legends have no chance…

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#OutsideJoke #Leagueoflegends #UselessInfo

Edited By CaptainBrave!

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40 Comentários

  1. The whole game is only an ego boost like it makes 0 fun once u get into ranked and play games even if u win and climb having that one “unbalanced” matchmaking where ur team mate gets stomped is frustrating like riot ofc loves low elo like d4- but still it would be nice that they do something against bad players because how can u be master for example and then go 2/10 u should know the limits at this point and master is like top 1% so I would say it’s indeed high elo cause u are better than 99% of the whole server

  2. Boys I've had bots up to gold its always level 30 accounts that fed and after you view their profile its nothing but intro bots til they hit 30

  3. Im leveling a new account rn and spamming intro bot games, and every match i play, my whole team are bots, no joke. I just proxy farm with akshan and let them go aram, its ridiculous

  4. you complain about bots that ruin your game, you are the ones who don't allow you to buy to level up, that's why you complain and not bot, it's a problem to climb the rank, that's the problem with you because you don't know how to play the game and you find it easy to blame on the bot

  5. Well…. I just left a casual match with autolocking Yuumi "you are toxic, I mute you" at spawn bot. The 3rd I've seen in a couple days, along with many other bots that exist. These new yuumi bots don't stand under foot of somebody like the old ones. Oh, just made it to the part in the video where you describe the Yuumi bot. Anyway, I call support, Yuumi steals support and doesn't come to lane. I refuse to ever sit through a match where I'm held hostage by a bot. I will literally get my $500+ microtransaction account banned from leaving before I accept such low level management of systems addressing bots. We need to have a remake equivalent solution to bots in matches. It will make them unable to gain anything by botting and free actual human beings with finite lifespans from wasting their life away on a terribly managed game.

  6. I got nearly every game fucking smurfing bot accounts or people who griefe and troll on purpose ( with these accounts )

  7. And I feel like Riot makes money from it, and that's why they don't do anything about it. The game is full of bots, and yet the developers and those responsible for it don't seem to see it, ignore player reports by installing bots to process them, and you can easily find websites where you can buy scripts for the game even though you "can't" use them in the game. You know what it's like to fight such things from those who don't want them:

    First, they remove websites where such scripts and bots can be purchased, and then sue their creators for breaching online security and trading in software to enable it. Only after that they mass ban players who have used such programs (you do not have to report it, because the self-respecting administration should see it itself thanks to the people they hired for this purpose), and not those who report such phenomena or leave the game because they do not want to play with bots and against scripters.

  8. I saw a taric bot the other day that actually was one of the better players on their team, the amount of times this bot saved their team with the ult was really surprising

  9. yeah just re-installed, played a game with 2 bots that would instavote no, spent 40 minutes losing and am now uninstalling again. League seems to have gotten drastically worse since i left… somehow

  10. God this company is so horribly pathetic. Thank god the game is dying, I only found out about this yesterday when my friend had 2 of these creatures in 2 consecutive games. It's not even sneaky, they're so blatant. 0:55 I told my friend years ago about this when I leveled up a final account and I told her there's no way they can just let this slide and look where we are now. It's probably them releasing these bots into ranked so the game seems less dead, look at how little people are even on the leaderboard nowadays. So goddamn embarassing. OK you mention that this is also a black market trick but then why the hell are they not banned? Why do they not care about the health of their own game? Because they've already destroyed it with all the terrible balancing decisions and overtuned champions?

  11. Started playing league again after years of fixing my life. Got placed b1 and made it to g2. Never saw a bot in my games.

  12. I haven't played in a few years, but is this "rank climbing" or just normal 5-player vs. 5-Bots? Because the latter was surprisingly smart AI, a few years ago

  13. I sure wish that Riot had the advanced alien technology required to detect that someone who has 0 kill participation in 20 ranked games and averages 100 damage per minute every game is a bot.

    By the way they're in jungle now. They just afk farm all game. Just lost a game where me and my bot lane got the enemy laners both to 1/7, then lost to Zac jungle because he was super fed, and our Amumu was 0/0/0 30 minutes in. Check his match history, he has 0 kills in 20 games.

  14. :- this why i dont ranked. one time i had two bots on my team, i was support, the bots were mid and jungle :'(

  15. there’s actually jungle bots now as well. they’ll do a camp, then pace around for a few moments and then do another camp. pace around. then base, base again while in case and then rinse and repeat.

  16. Is this problem just in NA? when i had my placements i didnt experience this in the asian servers, maybe popularity has declined over there.

  17. Its still going on, I had 2 bots (support & jungle), then a jungle bot in back to back ranked games. My team lost both games!

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