
How Corporations and Governments Use Games to Control Us: CYBER Live

In this live recording of the CYBER podcast, Motherboard’s Matthew Gault discusses author Adrian Hon’s new book “You’ve Been Played: How Corporations, Governments, and Schools Use Games to Control Us All.”

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20 Comentários

  1. Mrs Muthia is the best, recommending her to all beginners who wants to recover from their losses and gain more like I did through her strategies

  2. The irony is that 99% of serious gamers fancied themselves as loner rebel who refused to submit to the high power. No, dude, you're not. You're just a consumer.

  3. A very Important topic but with anything that has a complexity that takes more than 3 minutes to explain let alone comprehend, nobody will have "time" for it in their day!! LMAO

  4. where does vice find these so called "writers" I feel like every single motherboard writer unironically believes that the meta verse and web3 is going to be the future and cypto is going to become the only currency we use, and nfts are going to replace paintings like the mona lisa its just so cringe. thats probably why they have 1.6 millon subs and gets 10k views a video.

  5. Gamification only adds value to human life if it's in the form of a game. Recreation is actually the real savior of humanity, and if you look at our hobbies, you can pin everything from art, music, acting, or games — all can be umbrelled by communication. No companies needed.

  6. People that always wear glasses and then take them off for the camera… ALWAYS LOOK A BIT OFF. There is a weird look to them, always. Just wear your glasses Matthew!

  7. Anyone capable of basic thought and critical thinking wont be "gamified" as he says. Some of us are capable of our own free will.

  8. I just wrote this comment on/about a video re: relationships… but I'll say it again and it must make SOME sense because I've been married to the same man for 30 years.
    In short it is NEVER CONFORM to make other's happy or you yourself will be miserably UNhappy! You yourself FIRST… compromise only when you want and when it's worthy.

  9. I remember watching another doc about how the US Army used Call of Duty and FPS games as a recruiting tactic and one of the main dudes stopped because he felt it did it's purpose and it was getting stale or something like that

  10. it’s all about the fact that they numb us to a new level of normalcy that was say 10-20% less quality / fun we would have than our previous level of what we considered acceptable . Anthropology covers this heavily . Also the fact poor ppl like free to play games and their demeanor that comes with it leads to something that can be controlled

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