33 Comentários

  1. As a full time trader I must say for anyone starting out, listen to this guy word by word this advise is literally tresure and will spare you pain.

  2. should i drop out of high school to do this. i feel like it would be such a headstart as i’m only halfway through my junior year and so i literally don’t need to spend any money at all for another year and a half of my life but i feel like that can’t be the right decision because of how easy it sounds

  3. Where does one learn how to trade? Should I go to college to learn how to trade, if so what's the major? Or does one join a online course to learn how to trade and slowly learn it?
    Hopefully you can answer my question I appreciate that 🙏🏻

  4. Hey man great video! I was just wondering when you talk about taking 100 trades are you talking about taking 100 trades over 6-12 months? In other words building your POM account over 6-12 months for 6-12months of living expenses? Thanks!

  5. I'd argue that pressure of "I'll be homeless if I don't make this work" is exactly what some people need to actually make it work and will help them realize its real money. but I dunno

  6. I work 7.30am to 7.30pm most days. I'm off Fridays. I make about 500-1k each week pretty consistently. Plan is to have POM + 25k or more in trading account before I quit my 'JOB'. I love day trading! Good Luck to everyone!

  7. Man, thank you so much for the solid advice! I already have a full time job that I like but have been interested in learning more about training in hopes of hopefully in a few years be able to go full time! The system seems like a great foundation to start on without building false confidence then having the floor fall out from under you.

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