
How To Trade LOW Liquidity Markets on Betfair

Here I show you how to properly equip yourself to deal with trading low liquidity markets on the betting exchanges.

Low liquidity markets have to be approached in a very different manner to most. A whole new trading style is needed. Many don’t have the luxury of trading the daytime meetings due to work commitments and are forced to trade greyhound racing and US horse racing. These type of markets can prove quite tricky unless properly prepared.

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11 Comentários

  1. I always see Volume Tracker in Caan's trading vids……………………I can understand why market overview is an indicator esp in nags markets as the book has to be balanced but not understanding why volume tracker is important, could you explain why its useful? maybe even make a video on that if you wish. 🙂 BTW I enjoyed this vid, best in a while.

  2. Thanks for the videos Caan could you perhaps do a Video regarding Football Trading it's been a while since you last upload one cheers !

  3. Been dipping into Greyhounds occasionally. Absolute chaos to the newbie trader. I would recommend paper trading or via training modes first until things start to become clearer

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