
How to Win Blackjack Every Time REVEALED

Fastest Winning Blackjack System! Five-Dollar Online Bettors Win an Average of $866 an Hour! Get Started with a free “How to play blackjack for beginners”

I reveal scams like this one and many similar gambling scams that can be easily found on the internet. Blackjack, craps, roulette, and slot machines are in casinos for a reason…They make the casinos tons of money each year. There is no get-rich-quick scheme for any casino game. The only one making money in the scams are the scammers and the casinos… not you. Please do not fall for their lies.

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49 Comentários

  1. I dont wanna win $5,000 for aday if u go hom3. It give you badluck . u will get killed. I saw on tv story about 3 person get kill because they win 5k for aday.. I realize badluck.. I rather ein 10,000$ or below 5k. No badluck 4me.

  2. So what you didn’t say was you if you didn’t win the last hand you would’ve not won anything so what kind of a system is this is this a joke or what

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  4. What if there is losing streak of nine to ten hands which usually happens right than you lose your entire bank roll .. thn what sir?

  5. I got to say I think people who put these videos out actually work for the casinos and they're betting on you coming to the casino and losing so they can continue to make their profits.

  6. There are roulette strategies that give the player an edge over the house! Are they fool proof? No. But to say systems don't work is simply a false statement. They do work on some level, but you are not likely to succeed if you try to play on for hours on end at the same table.

  7. lol, its as if he actually believes what he is saying, what are the odds you;re on a heater so you up your bet to $500 a hand, you split, then double down on those, pull 21's, dealer goes to pull his or her card the shuffler red lights?

    was gonna say this is all referenced off of 2 deck hand shuffle or 6 deck hand shuffle, 4 deck hand is different as is 8

  8. The very first hand was a crock – he stayed on 17 – then the dealer drew a 4. Would have been a 21 – instead he lost to a 19.

  9. Doubling down when I loss normally works, but it isn’t 100% foolproof but with basic strategy you normally will make money short term

  10. I don’t thinks so buddy. Stick to counting. Have you never seen a dealer streak? I tell you this. I had one night where a player played basic strategy perfectly all night and didn’t win. There are times that the win just never comes. Not a scam? Yes a scam. Learn to count.

  11. Blackjack: Take to the table the amount your willing to lose. When that amount is gone go home. Learn to play basic strategy and make your betting amount static. Win some, lose some. I make $50 last six or seven hours…….or I can spend that $50 at the movie theater in 2 hours. Leave the table when you are up a few bucks and go to a nice dinner.

  12. Umm..sir, I did follow your strategy. I went to a casino with $1k and left the casino with a cup of coffee. You’re so amazing, handsome and talented!!

  13. Good thing I watched the video all the way through. Disliked halfway through. Removed the dislike after the explanation.

  14. 🖕_________________________________________________________________________________________Make millions targeting slot machine with the help of 🖕🖕.

  15. "If something seems too good to be true, it probably is."

    Titles video "How to win blackjack every time, revealed."

  16. The best odds you have playing in a casino is in a poker room period!!! With poker you are playing against other players not a dealer, on top of the fact you have more control of the game see at poker I can fold 30 hands in a row if I want to and just pay me little $1-3 blinds …. In blackjack u can’t jump in and outta hands like you can’t play one then say deal me out the next because the players at the table will get pissed u are messing up the rotation of the cards so when u play at a blackjack table u literally have to risk money every hand whether it’s the minimum or not u still losing … at poker I can take $500 to the table and I might fold 2 rounds before I play a hand

  17. Card counting is legit. You track when 10s and Aces come out and maintain a running count so you know whether the deck is rich in 10s or poor in 10s and bet and play accordingly

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