
I bet you don't hate bots as much as these guys do – MIR4

I know this may seem crazy, but hear me out: What if the devs actually made these Ice Golems in order to manipulate the price of the Draco by making it harder for bots to mine dark steel?

Some interesting news was recently released about a Turing technique used to identify bot behaviour while putting further restrictions on the mining of dark steel. Do you think this will work when it goes live on October 19th, 2021? Only time will tell, but you can go ahead and try down in the comments below.

This is a joke for all of the people who openly admit to believing that the devs are behind the bots.

(inserts picture of devs laying on a pile of money after inventing artificial intelligence)

Don’t forget to check out my other videos in the MIR4 playlist:

Here is the link to the official game launcher that supports running two clients at the same time:
(I’m no longer recommending the Steam link due to the removal of DRACO smelting and all of its functionality at Steam’s request)

If you’re feeling generous and want to donate some Wemix (KLAY framework):

Link do Vídeo