
Indian flavors in today's WORDLE!!! #wordle 581

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I would love to hear from all of you, have you used this word? I really loved all of the feedback when FROCK was the answer. Maybe today’s words is used in some countries more than in others!

Wanna know if Scoredle kicked my butt? Watch till the end and hit the like button!! 😊

Thanks for watching!!

#wordle #581

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14 Comentários

  1. Wordle Results
    Source: Wordle Solver made in Scratch
    Start: MOUTH
    Total common letters: 3
    Guesses: 4/6

    MOUTH 60 ⬜️⬜️🟩⬜️⬜️
    SAUCE 12 ⬜️⬜️🟩⬜️⬜️
    FLUID 2. ⬜️🟩🟩⬜️⬜️
    BLURB 0. 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩

    Yay Won the 50/50 between BLURB and PLUNK

    His MOUTH was filled with SAUCEs and FLUIDs while he was reading the BLURB of a book.

    See I'm doing it in guess order.

  2. Well done! Tricky word for me.
    I'm satisfied with my solve, but I was SO disappointed it wasn't BURLY.

  3. It took me a few minutes because after my first 2 words I knew the only vowel was the letter U. I kept thinking it was going to end in lury but nothing was a word. I finally got it in 3/6. ORATE–FLUID–BLURB

  4. ⬛⬛⬛🟧⬛
    Isn’t it amazing how AROSE CURRY led you right to the answer? “Easy” solve despite the unique letters involved. Best part is that you caught on early it was a double letter ✅.

  5. This took me a very very long time to get. I was thinking BLUR_ in the beginning but then it took like 4 mins to finally get the word. Tomorrow is my second longest wordle video of mine possibly. Got it in 4.

  6. FILET
    a disappointing 5 today, which broke my streak of 3's and 4's and im now behind scoredle. might drop below 10th place :/

  7. You continue to get it in one less than me – as it took me four today, and I didn't see any yellow squares.

    Wordle 581 4/6

    ⬛⬛🟩⬛⬛ hoUse

    ⬛🟩🟩⬛⬛ cLUng

    ⬛🟩🟩⬛🟩 pLUmB


    Blurb is quite commonly used here.

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