
Inside Brazil's Deadliest Drug Gangs | News on Drugs

Inside Brazil's Deadliest Drug Gangs | News on Drugs

Brazil is the second biggest consumer of cocaine in the world, after the US – and the biggest consumer of crack.

Alongside this, Brazil has risen to become a crucial hub in global cocaine trafficking, particularly as a gateway from South America to Europe and Africa.

The country has seen the rise of hyper-powerful gangs and organized crime groups that can operate like private armies, perpetrating extreme violence, and taking over entire districts and cities.

This is the inside story of massively powerful Brazilian crime groups like the Red Command, the PCC, and the Militia – how they emerged, and how they maintain their narco-empires.

Watch more from this series:

Infiltrating Europe’s Most Dangerous Drugs Gangs

How Cartels Build Billion-Dollar Empires

The Drugs Fuelling Deadly Wars

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31 Comentários

  1. He says "the 2 biggest"; then names the CV (Red Command from Rio), and then says "an array of local gangs" and names like 3 different gangs lol. Also fails to mention by far the biggest and most powerful gang, the PCC from Sao Poalo. They're internationally powerful and are basically a cartel at this point. Not sure how he missed them

  2. Ismail Ramseyi believe this is the man the northernos XiV. Have on there pay roll I'm looking into it I've contacted some there leaders let them know I'm one who protecting all cartels and they will never gain control of any territory no gang member will there are rule to up hold and paths that must someone must go through to achieve any kind of position in life. And just so everyone knows I'm not here just to clean the street I'm her to regulate ever position in crime I dont want to be boss of all crime but since others action on my family's trying take our ranch along with other actions I'm in this life and it will be not my way not you not anyone's way but the ways that's best for the survival of organized crime for we are equal value to the world pyramid scheme of Life


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  6. My Condolences to all of the families affected by whether they were of Blood or became of Association due to the Circumstances of the Afflictions of the Affiliates surrounding their loved ones. Due to the nature of my own circumstances; I’m actually Brittany Brooklyn Olivia Yessenia Elizabeth Azae Delgado~Holloway MCOLES. I am a Detroit Police Department Homicide Investigator amongst other Major Crimes Investigations and Departments thus their investigation bureaus with high priority and high regard of local and National Authorities with conjoined agencies. Also I’m a Federal Magistrate (Mandated) Judge for Wayne County Circuit Court District Division (with jurisdiction of Human Trafficking Division and therefore Adult and Child Protective Services Division). I have worked for several Sheriff’s Departments in Oakland and Wayne Counties this many out of State this is to include ICE GangSquad and FBI, DEA, CIA, ATF, and even The National Gang Center. Oh and definitely 💯 to 6th Precinct in Detroit and Sex Crimes. This was a deliberate attempt to gain attention of notable individuals in a family known as the Siek-Baumgartner Family. Who is known to influence their own lives by offering sexually explicit content of favors and for decades have used and even sought to manipulate their own personal agendas with benefits of behavioral therapy and lies to persuade the mental health professionals and therapist for systematic treatment of false perceptions of lies by petitioners of claims of excessive exaggeration of extortions and emotional distress embezzlement of thereby textbook evidence gathered guidelines and years of listening to police scanners to obtain medication of false treatments and high levels of over dosages to obtain lawsuits. This shooting will show as an indication of implicit bias against implicitly of reliable implicating individuals to gain access to high ranking on The National Gang Institutions Standards which is not true. Of most insignificant statements I’m actually the Mulatto the Rapper and have been waring with this group of individuals over siblings such as Ashley Alexander Elizabeth Brown and Pruitt and a few others over we of not the same father known as 2923 Donald Samuel Pruitt and son Arron Samuel Pruitt whose real names are Donald/Arron Samuel de Silva de La Rybaczuk MCOLES or better known as Frank Antonio Nitti de Silva~La H’Aziz and son Frank Antonio D’Angelo de Silva~La H’Aziz (yes their are more children and it is Douglas Crawford Sr. Family). We are as an family of Asian, Albanian, Italian, Portuguese, Colombian, and Portuguese ethnicity only and was Human Trafficked for Drug Trafficking Purposes only lastly from Indiana to Michigan and notoriously had a large land of property in Gary; Indiana. Where of thorough breed individuals would stay in what is known as Cud de Sacs they were of nothing less of 50/50 percent to at the least to having of 💯 of heritage. Of 47 El Salvadorians whom are notable known as Elizabethan/en’s. 111 Ecuadorians, 32 Africans, and of the Community of Contemporary Artists loved the engagements of being Mexicans of purity in an astonishing record in each point master of at least 47. Haitians were of great importance and 99 were able to take part in All positions of The Cartel, Gangs, and Organizations to promote their respective interests in Safeguarding World Sentinel Events to a null of never more than 9 tragedies in a undisclosed period of time. The fact of higher importance of education thus plus law enforcement was pushed on but by more of what the authorities and of which governments thus Medical Professionals and the needed resources such as any rehabilitation effort’s including hospitals for medical attention not Mental Health. Mental Health Professionals have to gain their knowledge and no how from dealing with outsourced sedition of not of purity of defined races which encourages that Arabs and Chaldeans would and could benefit their families by engaging also. Of this Over 158 Arabs and Chaldeans were housed around in Gray; Indiana. All participants included of certain classified intelligence of Gloria Dei Khan family members of 1940s😂, 1960s of until 1971 then 1976 to 1986 would join and then jointly become members of each significant family group. Old true wise team tell in Michigan of Arab and Chaldeans would even in arrangements of their lawful marriage rights with others (court approval needed with assessments in race, marital history, and other factors and could at least consider a state of social justice of dignity and determination of their respective relationships. FYI the legal process has to allow their wives to be present to even lunch and family gatherings. It is told in every case except of our listed ethical considerations of ethnicity (above) which rap moguls such as Dre, Eminem, 50 Cent, and many others encouraged to participate and share entertainment of personal preference personas) call it a day of crackle)..)❤Due to this a lot of Frank Antonio de Silva Alvarez de Moura Nitti~Aziz(2923) with 🖤🖤🖤🌶️🌶️🔱🇦🇱💯🔰🧧🎲””Vonda”” and “Mink” by the way “Supreme” Hair Wars!!! This needs to halt before we have a mastery of manipulative homicide of the Weekend known as Child Of Death (Bride of Chucky). Their bargaining power was those daughters of 2923 but not of “Chief” nor of Mamie Thompson and Evangelist of Evangelicals to and whom has been mentioned even of extensive research at the Vatican with all regards to The Mills and 2nd of Pinnacles Churches and A.M.E. In a case even a lawsuit you are not aware of existence of these favto and Facto religious reasons to be granted any legal rights to monetary effects such even a card of economic emotional wordplay. This is a very simple way to implement impunity of not being targeted by the police or obligated taunting of the community thus related individuals. This became over Frank aka Drugs and the profit motive behind climate of protestations of questionable quality control of products. Proven of course is the deflation of into Rios of extortionate value of Eminem and others as the procure women of our domestic ethnicities and falsely claimed being married in even his case(I’m a relative of 1st degree and can legally speak with no retaliatory consequences or not forces). Kimberley Ann Scott who is a Siek Baumgartner has enlisted family not of approval lesser in even appearances or intelligence to extort money and valuable assets. To our dismay it is brought up numerous occasions. I hope to work with the community and State Department to stop this and the need to address these concerns in every aspect of casualty including maiming civilians. 🌶️🌶️🌶️🖤🖤🖤Kimberley Mink Nico Yessenia Interiano Chavarria~Saarveda Bustillos MCOLES whom is a Griselda Dominica Casablanca Yessenia Emilia Rosaria de La Silva Ghnvese de Ibarra La Peña Blanco de La Gaviria~Escobar MCOLES.🌶️🌶️🌶️🔰🇦🇱🔱🧧💯🎊🔱Mulatto The Rapper and Family.

    Sent from my iPhone

  7. I wouldnt say they adopted the Christian religion thats the way Satanists operate everything is backwards they will tell you they worship whatever god they want but u can betchur ass it wont be satan they mention openly just the way it works if you know you know that's why the say God because that can really be anybody Jesus or yahweh is the name that carries the power atleast here on "earth"

  8. The history of violence in Rio de Janeiro has some roots. First, the consumption of drugs that comes from the time that the middle class of Rio de Janeiro copied from the cultural movements coming from the USA, especially movements against wars like woodstock and the fashion of the generations that used drugs with the mottos peace, love and not war. The US authorities have had a hard time changing the drug culture that has decimated many young people and the names of great artists. Young people from the USA left their homes and went to live on the streets drugged. In Brazil, this drug culture arrived at the same time and the children of the middle class lived this culture. Another major factor was the displacement of a large part of northeastern emigrants, a poor region with few jobs and a high birth rate that was attracted to job opportunities in the State of São Paulo, which evolved as a large industrial center and lacking in manpower. work for their factories and, the northeast of Brazil, mainly from the rural environment where the bad conditions of the arid soil together with the hydrographic scarcity, (except the São Francisco River) made the State of São Paulo, in accelerated industrial growth, a place to get jobs. Then, the poor of the Northeast region of Brazil started to emigrate to São Paulo and there they got jobs in the factories. Before that period, the Brazilian government encouraged the arrival of Europeans to Brazil and these went to São Paulo, mainly to the southern region of Brazil and there they became great traders in the agribusiness that prospers until today. It should be noted that Rio de Janeiro was the capital of Brazil in the 50s, Brazil decided to take the capital to the center of Brazil and a competition was held to present the best architectural work for the construction of the Brazilian capital and the architect Oscar Niemeyer won and in 1960 the capital was transferred to the center, obtaining the name Brasilia. From then on, Rio de Janeiro ceased to have a capital structure in the country. The WONDERFUL CITY advertisement was created and many migrants from the Northeast Region left their lands and went to try to live in Rio de Janeiro, whose advertisements seemed to speak of a parasitic place to live, with images of Christ the Redeemer, Cable Car of Urca, beautiful beaches. It so happens that Rio de Janeiro did not have an industrial park like São Paulo and real estate was very expensive both for renting and for buying and the poor migrants only got jobs as a maid, doorman, janitor, cleaner, day laborer and they earned little and had nothing to spare. try to live informally in the hills where they built shacks called FAVELAS. In these favelas, their children and their children's children had no jobs. Generally, 98% of the population of favela residents works in these simple jobs and the remaining 2% are involved with drug trafficking facilities. And those who consume drugs are the children of the middle class, lulled by their grandparents' Woodstock heritage and away from their studies. Certainly Usa acted to change this picture when the teenagers of the woodstock era began to go down a path that in maturity would make them suffer. The legacy that Rio de Janeiro gained, due to the delay in taking action to reverse this situation, created violence in the favelas, because drug dealers rule as a second state, the police only intervene with a war strategy, and in the midst of this chaos the population suffers. . Some measures were taken, such as the lengthening of the São Francisco River to bring water to the Northeast region, as well as the construction of dams and artesian wells and the generation of wind power. Keeping the northeastern people in their land is one of the pillars, but it is necessary to generate jobs there, mainly by improving conditions linked to agribusiness and laying the foundations of education linked to a greater number of industries there. And, another solution is to break the economic base of criminal traffickers by promoting a study to verify whether it pays to release drug use, instructing the State to provide it free of charge in an organized way. Another aspect is to educate everyone from childhood, but especially the children of the middle class, making them aware of the serious problem that affects the slum dwellers and also affects the upper classes in Brazil, as drug dealers also make a living from robberies, kidnappings and all kinds of crimes. which generates violence, social disorder and suffering both for the mothers of soldiers who die in combat and for the mothers of drug traffickers who certainly did not want that fate for their children.

  9. The balies in rocinha are fucking lit 😂😂😂😂 it is very sad to see all these young men throw their lives away.

  10. Latin America is definitely becoming failed states like the African states, only corruption and violence rules. So sad😢

  11. This is why it’s important to pay reperations at the same time to get rid of these cartels. Countries are still suffering today due to the past war conflicts brought on by deliberate foreign intervention

  12. Good to say a thing, this is a special situation happening in Rio state only. Other states like São Paulo have a established one-sided mafia, which is already penetrating deep in politics and "maintain order" in favelas and such. They're also expanding to another states and just do some off-the-book business with some Rio gangs. Rio is divided to a point where two different "bondes" (gangs) from the same faction battle for a favela.

  13. Milicia has nothing to do with Bolsonaro. Milicia was created way before Bolsonaro was elected and even before the rise of the conservative wing fed up with crime which elected Bolsonaro (btw Bolsonaro won the election due to crime – not being a criminal but rather being a victim – meaning, while in political campaign, he was a victim of an attempted murder with a knife from a criminal with alleged connections to the left wing; this made him stay at the hospital and avoided all the political debates [which is an advantage in the sense that if u are not present in the debate then u will not have any negative stuff pointed towards you] plus the popular outrage considering an attempted murder of a presidential candidate).

    So, militia (or milicia) has nothing to do with Bolsonaro.

    It was created way before by low rank members of militar/police/firemen which lived in favelas due to the low salary (or due to the fact that they grew up in the favelas which means all their friends, family, etc. are in that community since his/her childhood). Considering the CV creating (red command) and the cocain flooding favelas then, being authorities, those low-paid and low rank military/policemen/fireaman started to be outraged with the fact that the community in which they live and/or grew up was starting to be taken by dealers in order to sell the drugs (which communists taught them how to sell, because the left wing of Brazil had straight connections with the FARC when the military dictactorship from right-wing was ruling the country).

    So, the untruth connection between electricity companies and militia is false – meaning, people in the favelas use what is called "gato" to get electricity, meaning, the electricity in the favelas is kind of "robbed" from the public energy grid for public illumination and other public electrical appliances. So, instead of selling drugs, the militia started to take control of this kind of stuff: internet (called "gatonet" which follows the same principle of the "gato" for public energy grid electricity supplied to favela people), energy, gas, gas canister, etc. and to sell it to the people of the favela which the militia controlled instead of selling drugs, in order to get money for the guns and ammo in order to defend themselves from drug dealers which tried to take the favela occupied by the militia.

    Overall, the real militia does not exist anymore – nowadays, militia is another gang of drug dealers, because ex-cops and cops at first were not treated as criminals, but after some left wing speeches, the militia was started to be seen as killers rather than protectors, thus, cops started to abandon the militia and place there their cousin, their brother, etc. which were from the favela but were not authorities (cops, firemen, military, etc.) – after a decade, those guys, not being authorities but rather citizens with familiar connections to the authorities, started to sell drugs and such to get as much money as the drug dealers, in order to get as much guns and ammo as the drug dealers, and after some time, the militia is another gang as red command because nowadays they have no relationship with authorities (even indirect relationship via family bonds is no longer the real situation at militia) and they do the same as the other drug dealers gangs.

    Plus, PCC (Primeiro Comando da Capital) is the most powerful drug cartel of the South America, which dominated the border region of Brazil's neighbours and is expanding its activities to Brasil neighbour countries. PCC is MUCH more powerful than CV or the other RIO gangs. The difference is that PCC resorts to a mafia or cosanostra-style, avoiding violence in order to avoid ruining the business, while CV are kind of african rebels tribes willing to die for their leaders.

    So, there is no militia anymore, the militia has no relationship with energy supply companies and the militia started around 1970 with authorities and not due to Bolsonaro (which was elected around 2018). However, nowadays, people get confused about "militia" because they describe it as it was during the 70s 80s. However, nowadays, militia is another drug dealer and utility-related services seller (stolen from the public grid) meaning militia nowadays is another drug dealers gang as the other drug dealer gangs you guys talked, like CV (Comando Vermelho A.K.A. Red Command) or FN or ADA and others. Those are all the same.

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