
Is Gambling Over? We Need to Talk About The White Paper…

Here’s my gambling white paper summary, including my thoughts on sports betting, affordability checks and how we got here. Let me know your thoughts on the gambling white paper review…

In many ways, the gambling white paper raises more questions than it answers. Affordability and single-customer view should not be carried out by bookmakers given their financial interests.

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27 Comentários

  1. Another far left authoritarian nanny state policy. They're won't be happy until they make everyone miserable. Horse racing is doomed in the mid to late term.

  2. The World Economic Forum want control of EVERYTHING you do. Unelected, corporate criminals will be able to turn off your energy supply, stop you making purchases, make you eat bugs and not meat, and want a social credit score along with a Central Bank Digital currency. Once these measures come in, it will be impossible to go back to living a free life as you know it.

  3. All the UKGC are doing is forcing people towards unregulated non UK Licenced Casinos they will just send all gambling back underground.

  4. more financial checks to bet a few quid than to take out student loans that with interest rack up to 100s of thousands.

  5. UKGC need to justify their existence by continuously tinkering with gambling rules, and will completely ruin anything that was fun about it.

  6. I work in the gambling industry. I back making gambling more difficult. But i hate government overreach as well, and you are right. Such controls will come in for everything, gambling is just the start. Once the CBDC's come in, you'll never be able to escape the plantation.

  7. You sound like the weed moaners. So you try to deflect by talking about alcohol sales, etc. It's lame. Alcohol and gambling are not the same thing. For example, alcohol prices are controlled at the source through taxation, opening hours, and so on. It's not solely about the harm. Also, you brush under the carpet the harm that gambling can do. You'd make more headway by constructing an argument about gambling, and gambling's merits, without pretending laws and regulations are ever equitable. They're different, and they have different legacies. There are new gambling rules because the old system of control no longer work in a digital age. Simple.

  8. Find a new career, or ways to bet in other countries, lads, because it's going to become utterly impossible in the UK.

    The amount of hassle I've had lately is beyond a joke.

  9. This is more evidence of the travel towards dictatorship and the Government controlling where and how you spend your money. We are well on the way to fascist dictatorship and along with the digital pound they will have complete control over all your money. Welcome to the end of your freedom and any remaining civil liberties. You will effectively be in a digital prison controlled completely because if you don't do as you are told they will just cut your money off and the means to live.

  10. thats why I am using an Asian broker, as everyone who is serious about betting/trading should do. Fuck those cunts from the government… they are simply forcing people to place bets on foreign websites

  11. Gambling will go the way of the payday loan industry. Put out of business with people going to loansharks – gambling will go underground or offshore.

  12. It might be time when the punter had a betting strike to scar the shite out of the gaming community. Pick a day when we, the punter, don’t place a bet, don’t go into a betting shop, a total withdrawal of our money. How would the industry react? A possible topic for conversation or something we all can do on one particular day?

  13. Pure nanny statism. The meddlesome government and its Gambling Commission are yet another woke intrusion into people's leisure pursuits. Both should mind their own business and leave players to make their own betting decisions. Oh, and do away with the daft NHS gambling clinics, and get people their cancer and other scans instead. This is a lousy, interfering, woke government that wants to keep its nose out .

  14. Just reading a few comments and amazes me that people aren't aware of the CDBC proposals being put forward for 2025. If you think your freedom is being taking away now, just wait until the banking collapse is over and the new system of control is brought in as a "fix" for all the economic problems.

    You already are scrutinised for removing your money from the bank and soon there won't be anything to remove once CDBC's come into effect. You will have a carbon credit system which means restrictions on travel, luxuries, certain foods and betting will be one of them. Oh but don't worry; use your carbon credits up for the year eating burgers, going on holiday, running a vehicle to travel to work you'll need to buy more. Betting will be extremely difficult, if you don't have enough credits it won't be the better companies and local banks blocking you, it will be the government via the bank of England from where the currency is issued.

    The government will be able to see every transaction and monitor you, if you try to buy the wrong thing you'll be punished, try to circumvent the system, your access to money is taken away. Run out of carbon credits, don't worry, you can buy more but they will be so expensive only the those with a high net worth will be able to easily afford them – for everyone else, you will be the governments slave until they deem it so…. did I mention the rolling APR, well if you're silly enough to run your business in a polluting way, live a lifestyle that pollutes too much, buy things that are carbon positive instead of neutral, you'll be punished financially and left to the mercy of the powers that be.

    I don't normally watch these videos as it's not my thing, but while I'm fortunate enough to not be affected by it, I'm surprised people simply aren't aware of why frontrunner legislation like this is a precursor to a much more authoritarian system coming soon. For those wondering why, think about betting as a whole, it serves no purpose other than speculation with funds funnelled into sports which pollute the planet – which is what CDBC's are going to directly target so while it might not go away, things are going to change in ways most people simply can't fathom.

  15. As Nigel Farage recently said on GBNews when asked what the modern, Conservative Party stands for? His answer; "I haven't got a clue".

    This reminds me of the green energy revolution. You pay a 25% tariff on your electricity bills; along with a levy to "protect" you from retailers going bust along with "margin costs" on electricity generation to "protect" wholesalers and, in return, you get NOTHING. You don't get to own, have a share in or even benefit from all the wonderful windmills that you've paid for. It's like some kind of idiotic, pernicious, quantum coin where "they win and you lose" both come up at the same time so you double lose. It's the antithesis of Charlie Sheen; we're "bi-losing; we lose here and we lose there" and Bree Olsen is a guaranteed impossibility.

    Welcome to modern Conservatism; you pay, "world war II" levels of taxation and, in return, you have everything you like and enjoy taken away because the entitled, woke establishment knows what is best for you and your opinion and freedoms are not important. You're not even in a democracy; the House of Lords and civil servants will make corrections (brakes and checks) if the public doesn't come up with their idea of the right answer – Brexit is a great example of this.

    Finally; I think we're screwed anyway because of AI. Already people are losing their jobs so get ready for humans to become largely meaningless, it's already started; Octopus Energy have got AI answering emails that 250 call centre staff used to answer with a satisfaction rate of 80% as opposed to 65%. A founder of DeepMind said the west needs to start preparing for 300 million people losing their jobs in the coming decades. You soon won't have a job and will be dependant of AI funded government handouts. As for match betting, arbing? AI will monitor the exchanges and make sure opportunities stay out of your hands. Betting with be a cast iron, Mug's game. You'd get more value from setting fire to your bank notes except you won't have any because it will be digital and you're out of work.

    I seriously think that we're past "peak humanity" and we're now entering something akin to "The Matrix". Get ready for the ultimate existential crisis. Man, I miss the 20th century.

  16. Vbet did these checks on registering, they wanted full bank statements and everything. I am with other companies with no issues at all. Every photo I sent they claimed was too blurry or not great quality one was a 10 MB picture file attached to the email no blurr nothing. I work in IT and Graphics design there was nothing wrong with any of the pictures I sent. They where trying their best to put me off registering. I still have the 50+ emails it took to register.

  17. Havinh been involved in mb this past few years I've noticed the bookies using the excuse of this so called white paper to not give promotions and act like they are doing badly, I don't know how long bookies will last its not going to be long

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