
League of Legends – Reasons to Quit Bot Lane

There are many struggles of playing the bot lane position in League of Legends… I bet you can guess one of them.
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21 Comentários

  1. Forgot to mention supports that die 1-2 in lane decides bot lane is lost and perma roam… even as milio or senna

  2. No complaints from me, in flexq and duoq I still prefer ADC over other roles, but if I'm ever solo or playing with people, I don't know. I play support. In my opinion support is the role that can single handed fuck a game up, more than any other role, so I just refuse to let anyone I don't trust play it.

  3. It's funny. I actually prefer botlane bc it's easier to exploit bad players. I queue with my buddy who knows how to play supp and we just rolle everyone bc we pick duos with synergy. Also, having Kai'sa as the meta is perfect even now lol

  4. I stopped playing bot, because I just hated random supports. They were too unpredictable and it felt like the game was out of my hands in the laning and phase and I hated it. So I took my tristana, left for the midlane, finally started gaining lp and never looked back. It’s fun to duo queue with my friend, but I’m never playing that lane seriously again

  5. As a support main, I have no objections. Many of us think the same thaings about ADCs and the fewer, toxic, jaded ADCs not having fun, the better my lanes will be.

  6. I like playing support, but yeah I would never switch to adc it's awful to play in a solo que format lol… whenever I practice Ezreal in norms half the time my support just stands around exerting 0 pressure or misses skillshots while i have to try and survive the 1v2 XD. I think if you have a duo que support partner playing adc would be much better.

  7. and now riot phreak overbuffs this role to the point that most games are desided if the bot lane is winning or losing
    i have to pray to have the better adc every game

  8. Too unpredictable. The lane is just unstable. Your own support, their support, their adc, does your jungle weakside you, does their weakside them, the botlane is SO reliant on things that you have no control over, and theres only so much adapting you can personally do. Some of my favorite champs are ADCs, and I feel like skill expression can be especially noticeable in the role, but I don't feel like its for the right reasons. I like the stability to know that I can be useful to the team and the game as long as I do well, but that just isn't the case with most ADCs. You doing well means nothing if the rengar gets 4 free early lunches elsewhere. You positioning properly means nothing when your Naut has inted into the tankkiller adc for the third time before level 6, and at the end of the day, there are dozens of champs that can just make you useless for team fighting if your team does not consider your existence important. Positioning can be the game changer, but sometimes, or a lot of the time recently, it just doesn't make the difference you need it to. If your bruiser and your tank are in their backline and you're getting dashed down by riot's latest masterpiece, be it 12/2 or 0/6, the outcome is the same if you can't oneshot them before they oneshot you.

  9. I play top lane mainly. But if me and my friend wants to have fun I take my urgot from top. Slap it down botlane and he plays pyke support. It's really fun

  10. that league of hardstuck channel is amazing for memes, and this was a great video, summs up my botlane experience perfectly

  11. yeah and now u have cool thigns like
    – adcs complaining while being out of position against assasins or being mad that their 50/50 coinflip play got them killed transitioned into this disgusting few patchs were its nothing but botlane meta.
    – saying supports are weak to were now there is a really fun and interactive thing called nautilus mid
    – 2v1s are simply not possible anymore now because the level gap in botlane even if ur 1:2 is only going to be 1 level difference for the majority of laning phase.
    and finally
    the game is less *skill expressive* and catering to bad players that dont know how to position or move around the map in order to make assasins not do their job. (this class of champs ONLY work because of misplays caused by people. few exceptions though like qyiana and katarina)

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