
Live Newspaper Reading Session | How to read English Newspaper| Article on Book Reading

Support the stream: In this live session we teach you how to read newspaper. We are reading one of the articles written by Mini Kapoor & published in one of the national newspapers- The Hindu. We have also provided vocabulary used in this article.
Most people offer excuse that they don’t read newspaper because they don’t understand English of newspaper; while it is other way round- You don’t understand English of newspaper because you don’t read newspaper! In this video we show you how to make it useful for the learning of the English language and also to succeed in different competitive exams.
The editorial pages of the prominent newspapers are rich in thought & vocabulary. They have a lot to offer in aspects of knowledge, vocabulary, current affairs and also grammar. Make it a point to read at least one editorial a day, they should indeed form the core of your refreshing process of reading & learning.
A newspaper can be an excellent English teacher & not a very expensive one! The moment you find an interesting word, underline it & jot it down on a notebook after finishing the article. Now, look for its meaning in the dictionary and also search for its synonyms and antonyms. Most newspapers follow a set vocabulary pattern. Once you master certain words that a newspaper uses, your comprehension will go up & so will your confidence. If you come across different phrases and idioms, underline them too and learn their meanings & usage. Make a separate notebook for newspaper vocabulary & browse through these words every now & then.
Don’t lose hope if you don’t understand words or articles in the beginning. Rome was not built in a day. It takes time to learn something worthwhile. The most important thing that you as a learner can develop is reading sense. You might not know the meaning of a particular word. So what? Try to guess it & when you crosscheck later on you will pleasantly surprise yourself. You may go awfully wrong at times but who said you will not fail. In your failures lie your most profound learning! Remember, how you learnt your native language.
Once you are done with reading the editorial/article, now you need to go slow and look up for the different words and sentences which you have struggled to understand earlier. Don’t leave the comprehension to be understood later. Later could be never, so do it there and then. Investigate the entire subject of the article and makes notes of different words, phrases and idioms. Try to find out the general idea behind the editorial and this will also fortify your current affairs section.
Hope you will develop a habit of reading newspaper on daily basis after watching this video.

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