
Pete's Betfair Methods pdf – get it here

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So, after about 3 years of making great money with my own methods, which I KNEW worked, I remembered eBay, and how people were buying gambling information that just didn’t work. I KNEW mine worked, and I had a brain-wave to sell my system on eBay. I created an eBay account, and started listing the method (I quickly wrote it in a Microsoft Word document), and started listing the information for sale. Although, because I KNEW people would make money, and that my methods would make them profit, I offered them a ‘double your money back guarantee’.
I Know you will be satisfied with the profits you make from the information, and although I cannot guarantee (and I will not guarantee) any profits you will make, if you follow the advice in the manuals then I will guarantee that you will be streets ahead of your existing knowledge on trading, and this will give you much more confidence on Betfair.
I am not a millionaire. I don’t have a day job to speak off, but my wife still works. But do you know what? It is a very nice amount of money to keep coming in, month after month, and all it takes to actually make the money is a few hours per day, not even that sometimes. Some days I have it done in 20 minutes, then go fishing before the wife gives me something else to do 🙂
Since those early days, I have fine-tuned my method, and have a few other little snippets along the same lines which also make good money, that I will also show you, but when I was asked to put this story together, I specifically instructed that it was not over sold.
So I am not going to bang on, and on about how this ‘suddenly happened one day’, then talk and talk about how great it is. It is not my style. OK, I have anticipated some questions I think you might need answering. These are the type of questions I was asking when I was a buyer
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