
RISK FREE Tennis Trading on Betfair Answer…

Following this post earlier in the week;

There’s been a flurry of questions from followers. Hopefully this clears them all up!

Twitter: @CaanBerryTrader

Tennis trading on Betfair is somewhat different to horse-racing, with two players and a set structure to a match you’d expect it to. For that reason it’s important to approach things differently. How you define risk-free is one thing, but there certainly are points within a game or match you can exploit (all be it on smaller stakes of a few hundred) effortlessly.

This post will open your eyes up a bit…

#TennisTrading #Betfair #Tennis

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7 Comentários

  1. Hey Caan! Great video, very well explained. I just stumbled upon your account through a website about matched betting. I've just started out doing matched betting and it's working well, and I am now looking into different opportunities in the sports betting world. I'll look more into your material and study tennis trading, but let me ask you something. I see you are using some kind of software. This raises the question if this type of trading is accessible to the 'normal' person who can't dedicate himself full-time to this? And how about the learning curve? I imagine it takes longer to get good at this compared to matched betting.


  2. Awesome explanation like always!!
    Caan, what do you think about people who chose a normal bookmaker over exchange market because of their big wallet and stakes and exchange market limited liquidity??

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