
Roulette strategy with 3 corner: payout: 8:1 – 2 = 6 bet units on a winning spin.

Here I will bet on 3 corners as a roulette strategy. I am starting to play with 3 bet untis of 5 dollars each. But as you will see here on this video, I will raise my bets up to nineteen bet units on both 3 corners, after getting many spins without winning. I was just thinking that 3 corners cover a total of twelve numbers, so by the way, at least, these numbers should show as a winning ones on the next spinning games. I just carried on, and it was a bit risky, as these numbers may not shows up again and for long. But I played on basics probabilities, and tried to get something from it. As my bets increase, my cash balance drop as well as long as I don’t get some winning hits. But as you will see at the end of the video, carrying on with the same numbers which didn’t shows up was a good idea for this time. As I managed to get a correct winning amount on my last spins. Then it will be time to stop playing. Such betting system pays: 8:1 (corner pays) – 2 (lost 2 other corner) = 6 (net profit paid) bet units paid on a winning spin.

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