
Simple Horse Racing Trading Indicator for Betfair Trading

Horse Racing Trading on Betfair is chaotic at the best of times. Filter out the noise with this trading indicator that’ll help your Betfair trading on multiple occasions each day. In this video, I show an example trade where I used this trading indicator successfully.


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This video shows a Betfair Trading indicator for horse racing on Betfair Exchange.

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26 Comentários

  1. Hi Caan I developed a lot of tools during the y ears that helps you reduce the manual work on trading and sport betting in particular.

    Thanks for sharing those indicators

  2. Thanks Caan. Do you have a video which explains how to set up GT the same as yours? I'm no stranger to software but GT looks pretty complex. Cheers.

  3. be good if we could get a proper trade but nowadays we just get 5 mins b4 the off when the last few bookies left on the highstreet sell their liability

  4. Just thought I would ask in case anybody didn't hear about it.
    Did you all hear about the slap at the oscars?

  5. But aren't the changes in bookies' prices driven by the exchange activity? Or are we just saying to look for this on low liquidity events like the one in the video?

  6. One of the hardest things or most important to learn is when to enter and when to exit and managing trades ( quite easy to get winning trades) and most important as you said consistently this month been my best yet after a year most months losses but this month 1000 profit always seen potential of trading but lots of learning and losses I believe have to happen first

  7. Hi Caan. Brilliant video as ever. Thanks so much for sharing.

    How often does the double movement indicator happen? I think I must be doing it wrong because so far this afternoon I have sat through the live shows from Fontwell and Uttoxeter for 12 races ready to pounce and not seen one case yet. Also do we lay a horse if there is a double movement out?

    Would be really grateful if you could clarify. Thanks again Caan.

  8. Thanks for the video good insight for the market movements is sporting life the best or are they any good alternatives.

  9. Cool video, you make it look so easy. I wish You were here with me every time I turn on geekstoy lol

  10. Great video again there Caan, going live with you there on a trade, nice insight into what's going on in your head. Must admit I've been trying really hard to find an edge with the horse racing markets for a while now but somehow I just can't quite seem to think quick enough to make a profit from this particular sport. I've been focussing more on football and it's coming on quite nicely, +£100 per day. Thing is though, you opened my eyes to sports trading (in general) and I really appreciate that.

  11. Not sure i follow this one Caan. The video implies that the drop in price on the Sporting Life site led you to believe the Betfair price would follow. I always thought it was the other way round, ie Bookies follow Betfair.

  12. Caan, I like your videos. But in this example aren’t you still gambling that the price will actually move favourably in your direction, with the price indicator, to create the green book. It could just easily have moved in the opposite direction and you would have had to red out, right?

  13. Hi Caan, hope you're well, another great video. When you say "the price jumps 2 price increments" depending on the bookmaker they may have these funny odds that sit between the "Normal" odds increments like 16/5 and 18/5. Do you count these as "Increments" or is it more like if its above 4.0 (3/1) the increments you mean would be 5.0 (4/1) to 4.0(3/1) so missing out the 4.5 (7/2) and not including the 4.33 (10/3). Please could you include a list of odds (imperial & Decimal) that you would use for the increments, for this strategy, just to make it crystall clear. Thank you.

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