
Team Fortress 2 Has Been Taken Over By Bots…

Hello guys and gals, it’s me Mutahar again! As a recent owner of the Steam Deck I decided I’ll play around with the bounty of Valve titles ending with the number two. One of the biggest multiplayer games in their roster, Team Fortress 2 has been completely ruined by bots… for years. Thanks for watching!
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37 Comentários

  1. i doubt the majority of players are bots. i play on european servers (from the uk) and compared to the bots there are many more genuine players. situation has however improved since 2019 or 2020

  2. btw as far as I know, there's only one guy working on tf2 part time, although there have been a lot of patches lately, one of them fixed a bug on a weapon that was there since the weapon was released

  3. my experience with boths is that right now most seen ones are:
    discord link mods (their name is a discord link)
    bigsmoke(yes that number 9's guy)
    name stealers (they steal your name and are lesser these days)

  4. Someone must have a really sad life to setup hundreds of accounts and perhaps even computers just to infest a game with bots.

  5. It’s literally all bots in every match. Spamming music, comments, and aim botting sniper AI. I thought I would return to this game and enjoy it after years of not playing it. This game is horrible now, genuinely unplayable. Valve should be ashamed of abandoning this game. Time to see all their revenue fly out the window.

  6. the most unsupported online game rn? crysis 3, there are no server, multiplayer is so fun, but there is no players

  7. While it's great Muta has spoke about this issue, I think he underestimates the actual player couny of tf2 and the strength of its community.

  8. I'm a long-time TF2 player with over 10k hours under my belt, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. That said, I'm really saddened that Valve has so thoroughly ignored TF2's botting problem to the point where it took a coordinated twitter campaign just to get them to say ANYTHING to us. I've given up on Valve as a supporter of TF2, and if anyone here is interested in playing what I believe is hands-down one of if not the best FPS game of all time, my advice is: play community servers. Don't bother with casual. Open up the community server list and jump in. Odds are it'll be far more enjoyable than anything any of the official modes can offer.

  9. Dota 2 as another valve title also is suffering from a bot problem in it’s community workshop. that company pretends like the player base can just deal with it on their own. I have not seen any valve reaction to bot problems their games have.

  10. Ok no, definitely not 1k. There are a ton of bots, but they only really dominate in casual. Competitive and community are almost entirely bot-free

  11. I decided to hop back on the game that I played since I came out the womb to just play and enjoy my night I got on 2fort and both sides were filled with bots and only me. I hope valve fixes this problem

  12. This video is good for spreading awareness about the bot problem but I think it was a bit Unfair to tf2 as a game

  13. I've never found it to be as bad as people say until recently, I'm a hardcore TF2 player from Australia, and the last few years it was a minor problem for me, but it's pretty major now due to how many of them there are, but I still find plenty of playable servers with no bots, maybe for US and EU servers it's much worse, idk. But there are also tons of community servers that are populated here, and I see a lot of US ones popping up, you can definitely still play fine on those.

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