
TF2: How to avoid cheater bots & chat as a free2play in 2022

Website: A quick guide on how to avoid bots plaguing TF2 and chat as a Free To Play without buying anything.

Works 100% if you have a sliver of patience.

Just have some patience, and don’t leave if the game sucks.


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#tf2 #F2P #bots

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49 Comentários

  1. But HiGPS, what if i want to level up in tf2. There's no increasing level in coummunity servers. To do that I need to play casual.

  2. Thanks man, I really didn’t know that there was another tab. Casual queue is seriously a dumpster fire right now, all these shitty ass cheaters infesting everywhere.

  3. played casual 5 times and gave up tf2 for 2 year because i thought the game was a dead cheater filled wasteland

  4. thank you man! I really appreciate this video because I love tf2, and I am young, so I don't have a lot of knowledge on the game, so this made me want to play the game again, because I left it thinking that all the game had bots.

  5. Thanks I just started playing this gem again and found out the hard way bots don't kill each other they kill you

  6. as an old tf2 player i was like wtf is that menu, then i saw the server list of all the time, and i was like, ok so…. to don't find bots or cheaters is to do what everyone and their mother did in the past… gotcha hahaha

  7. i keep getting banned from community servers for no reason, like for real, im not cheating, I don't have any cheats/exploits on my pc that i can think of, and i keep getting banned, anybody else having this problem?

  8. Maybe it's changed last since I checked, but I haven't bothered touching the game for nearly 3/4 of a year because if I join a casual server, there's bots all over the place. But if I play in a community server, I usually get my ass kicked my more experienced players. It sucks.

  9. Sure, give me a community server that.

    1. Plays like casual, that means 12v12 with random crits enabled.
    2. Gamer words are not a bannable offense. (Being banned from Uncletopia for that is some out of touch shit with the average tf2 player)
    3. No bullshit (ads, rtd, fast respawn, donate perks, bias for or against certain gamemodes etc.)
    4. An effort to make sure the map selection doesn't have maps nobody wants to play while also having a system in place to prevent maps like badwater or payload in general from being picked constantly.
    5. Tryhard friend groups and people way above average like seasoned comp players get banned.
    6. Hit detection fixes. After playing with them on Creators, I can literally not play with the old bullshit without losing my mind.

    If i find out about a community server like this, il fill that shit. but am willing to let tf2 go at this point if not.

  10. tf2 really wanna make me play community servers. Cuz when I queue (I don't know if I spell it right) for casual, my game just crash. I mean when I join casual server my game just close by yourself

  11. havent played this game in years. so it casual deprecated now? i miss the 2010 mlp themed tf2 like you wouldnt believe

  12. Best thing volvo can do for tf2 at this point – is get rid off casual servers completly, because volvo is incapable/unwilling of providing adequate servers to tf2 community. This will lead to a Community Servers renaissance. Sure, we will loose some players because of this, but as Shogun Farquaad, my favorite character from "Shadow Over The Swamp" manga/anime, said – "Some of you may die, but thats a sacrifice im willing to make."

  13. Skial admins are scumbags, unfortunately. And there's double standards with the kind of people they allow on their servers.

  14. Yeah, now start filtering crap out, like x10, bots, norespawntimes and the like.
    See how many servers you end up with.
    1:20 Yeah, great selection of shite, you stuttered

  15. If y'all are looking for a good, active Community server with a close to casual experience, Uncletopia's a GREAT place to start, the only downside about Community servers is you can't get contracts done there, which should mostly be a non-issue if you're free to play

  16. Dude most of the servers in community sucks there are many reasons on why this is the case:

    -1 RTD: that sucks since is basically random crits but more busted

    -2 the map selection: a lot of servers only have 1 or 2 maps (2fort, hightower, turbine and dustbowl)

    -3 high ping: there are some people that can't connect to community servers because of the ping for example uncle topia will kick you if you have a high ping.

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