
The 10 MOST BROKEN Bot Lane Combos for Season 13! – League of Legends


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00:00 – Introduction
00:31 – Jhin + Heimerdinger
01:21 – Lucian + Nami
02:18 – Yummi + Nilah
03:20 – Kai’Sa + Maokai
04:17 – Zeri + Janna
05:02 – Bard + Caitlyn
05:54 – Samira + Amumu
06:55 – Lulu + Twitch
07:46 – Draven + Blitzcrank
08:32 – Tristana + Thresh
09:09 – SkillCapped & Outro

#lolguides​​ #leagueoflegends​​ #skillcapped #Preseason2023

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26 Comentários

  1. The reason why taric is not added to list is just because it is very compatible with nearly all of characters already.

  2. Lux jhin is also an insanely annoying combo, especially in low elo. The amount of stun you can pull of with lux q then jhin w is insane, as well as just poking your opponent out of lane with lux e and jhin q. Incredibly annoying and strong duo that just picks you off by poking you down then finishing with lux and jhin long range ults

  3. should have included varus morgana. disgusting cc chain combo and varus is allowed to proc 3 blight stacks 3 times for a total of 9 blight stack procs all while you're cc'd into cc into more cc. not to mention very strong pushing power, very good pick making potential, even better than caitlyn with varus r and varus is safe from getting cc'd himself due to morgana's black shield.

  4. 3:28 Everytime I play engage supports, my adc: does 1 AA or uses 1 skill and loses half-hp. This is so pathetic to watch

  5. I'd also add Taric Tristana to this list.
    The duo is so strong at every stage of the game. Taric outheals your damage once he reaches level 4 AND out damages you with his passive (bit of an exaggeration, but hes healing and damage at early levels is insane). Tristanas W is also really good if taric presses E as she is about to jump in, giving a really easy stun.
    Later into the game, Tarics ult is so good for tristana, Taric can ult whilst tristana is jumping in and the 2.5s is enough time for trist to blow up someone and get a W reset.
    Overall, very underrated combo.

  6. Pretty great list, only change is make is you didn’t mention Renata Kalista or amumu Kalista or Renata draven or lux cait or ez karma or Kaisa galio which is a lot of fun cuz they can both ult off each other’s ults

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