
“The Invention Of The White Race” by Theodore W. Allen. Presentation by Jeffrey B. Perry

“The Invention of the White Race” (Verso Books) by Theodore W. Allen, especially Vol. II: “The Origin of Racial Oppression in Anglo-America.”

This Slide Presentation/Talk by Jeffrey B. Perry, which draws on insights from Hubert Harrison, was hosted by The Hubert Harrison and Theodore W. Allen Society on January 31, 2013, at the Brecht Forum, when it was still located in lower Manhattan.

On this cold night the building had no heat. The standing room only audience is testimony to the growing interest in Theodore W. Allen’s important work and in the struggle against white supremacy.

The video was shot by Fred Nguyen and made available Courtesy Fansmiles Productions.

Please mark this video for viewing and share with others!

“When the first Africans arrived in Virginia in 1619, there were no ‘white’ people there; nor, according to the colonial records, would there be for another sixty years.”
Theodore W. Allen
(Written after searching through 885 county-years of Virginia’s colonial records)

Theodore W. Allen’s “The Invention of the White Race,” with its focus on racial oppression and social control, is one of the twentieth-century’s major contributions to historical understanding. This two-volume classic (Vol. 1: “Racial Oppression and Social Control” and Vol. 2: “The Origin of Racial Oppression in Anglo-America”) details how the “white race” was invented as a ruling-class social control formation and a system of racial oppression was imposed in response to labor solidarity in the wake of Bacon’s Rebellion (1676-77), how the “white race” was created and maintained through “white race” privileges conferred on laboring class European-Americans relative to African-Americans, how these privileges were not in the interest of African-Americans or laboring class European-Americans, and how the “white race” has been the principal historic guarantor of ruling-class domination in America. (See )

“The Invention of the White Race” presents a full-scale challenge to what Allen refers to as “The Great White Assumption” — “the unquestioning, indeed unthinking acceptance of the ‘white’ identity of European-Americans of all classes as a natural attribute rather than a social construct.” Its thesis on the origin and nature of the “white race” contains the root of a new and radical approach to United States history, one that challenges master narratives taught in the media and in schools, colleges, and universities. With its equalitarian motif and emphasis on class struggle it speaks to people today who strive for change worldwide.

Jeffrey B. Perry contributed new introductions, back matter, internal study guides, and expanded indexes to Verso Books’ new expanded edition of “The Invention of the White Race.”

For more information on Dr. Perry and his work on Hubert Harrison “the father of Harlem radicalism” (1883-1927) and Theodore W. Allen (1919-2005)

Also see

For “Hubert Harrison, Theodore W. Allen, and the Centrality of the Struggle Against White Supremacy” by Jeffrey B. Perry see

A video of a presentation on Hubert Harrison at the Dudley Branch of the Boston Public Library in Roxbury, Massachusetts on February 15, 2014 can be found at

For a video on “Hubert Harrison” at the St, Croix Landmarks Society’s “Come Home to St. Croix” event on July 19, 2016 see

Videos of an interview with Theodore W. Allen conducted by Stella Winston can be found at
and at

For the article “The Developing Conjuncture and Some Insights from Hubert Harrison and Theodore W. Allen on the Centrality of the Fight Against White Supremacy” by Jeffrey B. Perry see (at top left) or see

For a June 18, 2016 talk on “Theodore W. Allen and ‘The Invention of the White Race’” by Jeffrey B. Perry, presented at a “Multiracial Organizing Conference” on “Organizing Poor and Working Class Whites: The Challenge of Building a Multiracial Movement,” at the Beloved Community Center, 417 Arlington St., Greensboro, N.C. see –

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48 Comentários

  1. Why aren't we hearing about Japanese supremacists or Chinese supremacists or even Mexican supremacists? Those are three countries who have and are still holding down immigrants who pose a threat to the local culture. What does China, Japan and Mexico think about diversity? F@#% that! How else would they feel when their countries are over 90% locals? The census in 1980 shows a majority of 85% European White folks in the United States. Do the math going backwards in history and see that majority go up. How's Africa since Blacks took back power? Absolute poverty. Since the Brits returned power in Hong Kong, the massive protests over there have not convinced me that they are satisfied with their Communist China rulers. Nobody wants people from other countries ruining their ages old culture except Europe and the U.S. The guilt trip has made Europeans and Americans give up everything to immigrants. Nobody else will give up an inch! Since America became a melting pot AFTER 1980, diversity is a new idea here not an old one.

  2. Blacks are obsessed with White people. They live in your head 24/7 rent free.

    Blacks speak the White people's language, write the White people's words, wear the White people's clothes, drive the White people's transportation, use the computers, internet, and all technology invented by the White people. You use White people's money system, banking system, medical system, and listen to White people's music which is made with White people's musical instruments.


  3. If only some of these Star Wars writers understood the content or had half as much imagination as the majority of the commenters. I have read more interesting ideas or ways to incorporate Legends into canon in these streams than these people have come up with in decades, Dave Filoni has done some good things, i sense his love of the material but also his ego. The changing of names, Morriban!?? The way he makes characters he's created more powerful than know entities of Star Wars. Eventually Palpatine will return and Ahsoka will defeat him with his own weapons while making snarky comments. Is it too much to give us the teams that made these games as heads of something more mainstream? Can we stop with those who only recreate the past lazily?? Or is this our karma for not making the Dragon of Zaakul the most consumed media known to man in video game form?? The circle closes, the end begins

  4. i think the whites and and blacks have a gun to each others head and one race or the other will die and the luciferians are laughing their asses off at at dumb we are because if most die then they win and the second option that they becomes and become the new slave class to luciferians they win also, i see adverts with mixed mulatos everywhere its clear that the mixed race who dont have a history are easy to control, mixing the races will be good for the luciferians too

  5. Terms such as black and white are used to drive the masses . Caucasian people won the race to capitalism simple as that . Put yours in position and let fate handle the rest.

  6. zealots ) and BLACKS ( colored humans ) …😮😮😮😮😮😮😮

  7. the argument can be made for both sides of the coin. There is no Black race. there are a broad spectrum of black African tribes that share the African continent with races of Berber and ill defined North African tribes. The same can be said of Whites on the European continent and, by extension, in America. Technically there is one race of humans…the "human race". In my opinion, Humans are just like any species of mammal…there are many "breeds" of house cat, but they are one species…what sets them apart is the color of their fur. To argue that humans are somehow different is to go back to splitting hairs for political purposes only. Only a pseudo intellectual would try and differentiate humans as a species based on our ability to reason (if you can call what humans do "reasoning"). In my mind the entire argument of race is ONLY politically motivated, and that can be proven by following the money trail of any and all programs that want to help the "underprivileged". Race is big business, it serves only to give some idiot their 15 minutes of fame, and nothing else. Now, the question of CULTURE is altogether a different topic. All tribes of humanity have their own endemic "culture" that defines them as related individuals base on shared customs. These cultures are either narrow or broad based on historical connections with their surrounding "cultures". Culture is an adaptation to people, and place in the broader environment, and is therefore malleable, inconstant and wholly adaptable. Black culture is a farcical statement as is White culture. European culture is a more relatable concept given the historical relations between the peoples of Europe. African culture is a bit more problematic, given the VERY tribal nature of Africa (the same can be said of Middle Eastern culture, with the exception of the food choices in the middle east…they all seem to eat the same foods, just with different names, and they do share a great deal of common history). Africa, I would argue has a number of peoples that live in close proximity, with completely different cultures (depending on region). Languages over vast portions of the continent are not mutually understandable, modes of dress ore very different, foods are also very different from region to region (except those places where Europeans colonized, or Muslims conquered the locals and replaced their traditions with Islamic ones.

    America is its own creature. We are a collection of many cultures, predominantly European, that compete with smaller imported cultures from Africa, the Middle East/Levant, Asia, Southeast Asia and the pacific (my apologies to any others that I may have missed…I do not mention Native American cultures as they are, unfortunately, dying faster than they can be preserved). The "cultural competition" in America is a product of political party platforms and vote buying. All in all, when left to itself, Americans don't care (by majority) what the color of you skin is, and are very open to cultural influence so long as on culture does not force domination over another. Any other opinion to the contrary is doing so for its own good, not to be representative of the majority opinion (again, uncontested fact). American Culture, although new to the world, is actually a reality. We have a general set of cultural differences, widely recognized by the world at large, but equally largely argued against by Americans with a left leaning party line. Americans are seen as hard working, overly religious, and arrogant beyond reason. We are seen to have the ability to adapt and change at the drop of a hat (in Geopolitical terms). No other nation can rapidly drop its internal issues in favor of national unity than Americans, regardless of skin color.

    I think it is clear that any "race" based on skin color is a construct. Any culture assigned to a skin color on a broad spectrum, is equally fallacious. Both of these arbitrary assignations are used voluminously by political factions to try and breed discontent where none actually exists. The HUMAN race is the only race that can be assigned broadly, anything else is a function of "tribal" affiliation and related/shared cultural mores.

  8. Jamaicans should do what Idi Amen did to the Indians, kick them the F out of Jamaica and STOP giving them your money! They don't respect you, they don't like you, they think you are inferior, and all they want is your money to make them wealthier!

  9. People who rely on traditional educators' construction of knowledge or truth instead of engaging in deep research to find the pros and cons of their position will never open their eyes. This isn't new information; this is historical facts. This means that it has been there. However, what I find more interesting is that these things are obvious. They can deduce what is happening in society by using Hegelian dialectic– if they can pull away from social media, news outlets, and the entertainment world. Thinking isn't difficult. Like anything else, it takes practice.

    The American working classes –white-collar and blue-collar workers and PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD have allowed the ruling class (politicians and the elite classes) to construct truth and knowledge and feed it to us. If people were not so snug with the way they are living and are LESS trusting of what they THINK they see and THINK they know about being labor abuses–wages, time off, few benefits, and hours worked, there would be united uprisings demanding employers treat workers with human dignity versus human machines. Employers treat people like psychopaths treat people, as things.

    The working classes should rise up and DEMAND politicians and business owners pay decent wages WITHOUT allowing the status quo to increase the cost of products and services after providing the people APPROPRIATE compensation for sweat off their backs, "We the people" –the REAL meaning of that, would understand that power is in the hands of the 90% to 99% versus the 1%-10%. Social distinctions are smoke and mirrors used to distract the working classes from uniting and demanding basic FAIRNESS as the group responsible for keeping the economy going and the wealthy with their bank accounts like the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

    NO GOVERNMENT official and NOT CORPORATE owners understand anything other than theMONEY they are not making and the accumulation of wealth. Staying home and demanding $17 per hour would show the powers that be who REALLY controls the economy and the profit potential of business owners. There IS NO NEED for violence. Honey gets you more than violence, and it will keep you alive longer. Demand fairness by staying in the comfort of your home and sending your employer a message via text, fax, phone, or email when they contact you.

    The Founding Fathers did exactly that to England when they got tired of "working" for and paying Great Britain taxes they were not benefiting from. There is absolutely NO difference between a slave revolution, a class revolution, and the reason behind the Revolutionary War for the independence of the colonies and colonists. NONE. Back then, the colonies were Great Britain's bitch.

    However, the Founding Fathers noticed the unfairness and realized that they were treated as less than human beings. They united against Great Britain as Great Britain's subjects or workers and developed a strategy to go against the Machine. They realized that Great Britain was blowing smoke up their collected *** by pushing the #FakeNews that the colonists were basically British nationals.

  10. Heads up. Jimmy Carter is JFK; no joke; his assassination was staged and he and his wife — Jacqueline is Marilyn is Roselyn — were brought back into The Shite House (aka The White House) under the guise of “Jimmy Carter.” Also, the school-shootings are all staged, as well as other types of “shootings” in the evil lying Luciferian media-propaganda; as another major mechanism of social control with the agenda being to change legislation and/or deny the second amendment right to bear arms. They are using “crisis actors” and/or “casualty role-players” to give the false impression that the charade is genuine, while it is absolutely concocted or contrived. The latest mechanism they’re experimenting with and/or implementing is the idea of a “coronavirus” in order to compel the populace to become vaccinated and/or genetically modified and/or sterilized and/or terminated via mRNA injections. Do not take the vaccine and do not give up your firearms. God bless.

  11. The big secret is the KKK democrat party and how black babies are slaughtered in the womb 10 fold compared to whites!
    Abortion is to keep black people in the minority.
    But that truth doesn’t get the time of day and that is TODAY!

  12. There is no critical race theory: racists and their racism is a fact and it’s critically screwing up people’s lives all over the world 👌🏽 I don’t use the term “white” because I can critically think for myself and I don’t call myself “black” because obviously I’m brown-bronze, and it’s ignorant to think otherwise. And that is how they (racists) want you to think so you might want to pay attention to this man 👍🏾

  13. There are no white people. I have never seen a white human. Or do you mean red or albino like as in Europeans, russians ,Australia, newzland,America or Canada or like the red/albino racist South Africans ? If you ever see a white human please post the photo for us on utube. Thanks

  14. When we finally open our eyes and our ears to the truth, we will be liberated 👁 I hope more people will find this and other videos like it. Only then, we can acknowledge the past and build a better future✊🏾

  15. The presumption of liberty still the trick of today, just go vote for those plantation massa.
    Things keep getting worse.

  16. Thank's for this video, if everybody in this whole Nation would know the truth, the cycle will be broken from being hate and racist, but you got some that don't won't to know the truth, but it's coming out more and more, Thank you again, cause this help me more and more who i am and where i belong,

  17. Interesting fact Denmark owned the west indies islands, Sct.Croix, sct.jan and Sct.Thomas, we have zero black immigrants from those islands, may be down to the fact that the USA forced Denmark to sell the Islands for 25mio dollars in 1917.

  18. nationality is what was stolen from the ppl when terms such as white and black came to describe ppl. white and black are statues and not races or nationalities…

  19. If you are interested in reading and discussing The Invention of the White Race by Theodore W Allen the Marxist Education Project is hosting a weekly class starting on Thursday September 14th.

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