
This has gotten SO MUCH WORSE! Hearthstone BOTS are EVERYWHERE!

Today we take a look at the botting problem in Hearthstone and how over the past few months it has infested almost every mode in the game including at the highest of ranks of legend ladder in Standard, Wild, Classic, and Mercenaries.

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33 Comentários

  1. Im playing classic and from 30 games i havent lost once. They all play basic decks with 1 hp minions, almost always go face. Some of them stay, some quit just after they finish they turn and calculate that you have lethal.

  2. Typical Blizzard until Chinese Company. Blizzard upgraded to Trashlizzard. Let this game die if they dont care about botting.

  3. I've given up on the new festival expansion. I keep reporting and nothing happens. It's always death knights with random letters as names. I want a refund on my battle pass. I wonder if there is a way to get a lawsuit or something going.

  4. its really frustrating, thanks for making the video, im playing standard and its pissing me off so much, about to quit the game after playing for like 9 years. im actually upset…

  5. Player verification into a seperate ladder – that’s the ticket – pay for a 3 deck pack and send your id along with the order. Selfie with todays newspaper would do the trick.

  6. just found the video via Google 😀 servers blizzard right for making hearthstone a fucking useless grind for cards… 🤷‍♂️ to be fair i would use an ai based bot to – not to win just to play to gain stuff for more cards so i dont have to do this stupid grind 🙄

  7. Its very simple. blizzard is knowingly defrauding their investors with artificial figures of its customer/user base

  8. I play in silver and since last patch, half of my match have been against bot…
    And you can't report them, they have found a way to not appear in "last game adversary and anywhyelse…"

  9. just started again playing after like 6 years. In classic mode I had about 2 real opponents near the beginning. Since then I have played about 40 matches ALL BOTS

  10. Its ridicolous, 80% of opponents in ladder are bots, punished for playing selfmade fun decks and not follow a number with one boring tier 1 deck.
    Im losing interest day after day

  11. Just got back into HS after hearing about Classic mode, and so far Bronze 10 to Silver 3 has been ONLY bots, not a single real human yet. At least I know not to spend any real money on the game if I'm just playing solo player basically lmao

  12. This is so anoying, also they have always an awnser to anything and have the best opening hand. I just belive blizzard do this on purpose so people wont get easy legend or to higher ranked levels. This happens wat to much, that it is sus.

  13. In case you didn’t know bots were getting legend 7 years ago because the game is designed that way.take a 50.001 win rate deck and play a few thousand games and eventually you get legend with it. I actually enjoy the bots. They are really stupid and miss lethal and they are so obviously bots you just can’t help but laugh. The dk bots are the worst. So what are you whining for buddy? Nobody cares.

  14. Recently got back into classic, and noticed the zoobots very early on. they don’t concede, they will life tap to 1-2 health. You drop an abomination (deal 2 to everything drattle taunt) and they just pass until they loss. I was way too interested on how the program responds to different board states

  15. ive gone against 6 death knights with the same deck, they play like bots, with a consistent amount of time between attacks, bad ordering, and ends their turn at an incredibly consistent time after they're done spending all their mana. I bm them all and extend the game while they're at 1hp with lethal in my hand and they never concede or emote. 6 in a row from high silver to low gold already, theyre easy wins with pure paladin

  16. Allowing bots to dominate every playmode is a sign of a game that is soon to be dead.
    Read the writing on the wall and stop spending money on this puppet stringed corpse .

  17. Im diamond 2 and I only fight basic bots very doll and easy to win matchs. I don’t have fun anymore 😢

  18. Just played with another 2 Blizzard bots in Standard on Silver 9 in 4 games. This starting to look super weird and frustrating. I have not signed up for this game to play bots. Is user base shrinking that much they have to do this or they try to make players to feel good after they lose and then face a dumb bot? Why is it a Blizzard bot? It doesn't show up in recent opponents list and it plays super fast, no delays at all and skips turn, no hovering cards, just play play play and skip. Most plays are good, but some are not optimal.

  19. I had a bot in standard playing control warrior that would let the rope run out every turn and simply play all cards from left to right and just stall me out for as long as possible.

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