
Trump's Social Media App Described As 'Conservative Ghost Town' Full Of Bots

Donald Trump’s Truth Social has failed much earlier than most of us expected, and now that reporters have finally been given access after being on the waitlist for weeks, they are describing the site as a “conservative ghost town” that has effectively become overrun by bots. The problem is that Trump created a product that no one wanted or needed, and the failure of the site is a good indication that the rest of his media ventures will likely fail, too. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Well folks, we’re getting more and more reports nonstop about what a flop, a massive horrendous flop, Donald Trump’s truth social has already become. And I gotta tell you, I love it and I love talking about these stories and there is a reason. It’s not just an ha ha ha moment for Donald Trump. It’s actually a bigger part of the story, but let me talk a about what’s happening right now. Recently, Business Insider reporter Rosie Bradbury, was able to finally set up an account after being put on a wait list. So she wanted to do a story on truth social, find out what’s going on there. So she finally gets on and wonders, where is everybody? Right. There, there’s no US senators on here. None that are verified. There’s no Democratic lawmakers. There’s only a few, a handful of Republican members of Congress of course, no senators, as I mentioned. Donald Trump hasn’t sent out a single tweet or truth as they’re called since the day before it launched. So even he’s not using it. But most importantly, she described it as a conservative ghost town that had been overrun by bots. So when she signed up, the thing said, hey, here’s some accounts you, you should follow, you know, the popular accounts here.

One of course, Donald Trump, Sean Hannity, a couple other figures like that and then the rest of them other suggested follows, included the meme account cats with jobs, an account entitled hot chicks golfing. She said, as I scrolled through my feed, I found that most posts on the site were just linked out articles on websites posted automatically via RSS feeds. She then talked about the fact that even Fox news isn’t on there, of course, other outlets, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, Wall Street Journal, they’re not there. There’s no presence of anyone. But then she mentioned that one truth that Donald Trump had sent out she, she found it. She went through the replies on it and uh, most of them are bots. And she said an overwhelming number of the bots were for some bizarre cryptocurrency, like not, not even one of the popular ones and that’s what’s happened to truth social. It’s bots. It’s not real people who care about what’s going on. Hell, it’s not even the guy that wanted to start the whole thing, Donald Trump himself, it’s a ghost town. And the reason, like I said, the reason these stories are important is because this was supposed to be the first building block of Donald Trump’s multimedia empire. This whole thing, the, the Trump, whatever, the whole name of it is, you know, multimedia, blah, blah.

Truth social was just the beginning. This was supposed to be expanded. This was supposed to be many other things. It was supposed to be video production too and they can’t even run a successful social media site. This doesn’t bode well for them. It means that Donald Trump could end up losing all of that investment money that was put into this to begin with, of course not his money. So he probably doesn’t care. But if you’ve invested money into this, you need to start paying attention to these stories. And I know Marjorie Taylor Greene has invested money into this. So maybe you ought to tune in every now and then to find out what the hell is happening with your money because the stock has lost over a hundred dollars in value since digital world acquisition acquired Trump’s social media.

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